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¶Â¸ô (1973)
The Opium Trail

Reviewed by: mpongpun
Date: 03/30/2004

This is an early gung fu flick and it shows. The fights are badly choreographed and edited. The fight between supposed judo champ, big Cheng Fu Hung and Angela Mao was done very badly. Angela Mao, in a role that she would go on playing a few more times in other flicks, is a secret government operative undercover as an inn keeper. interesting! The flick is about a Japanese backed opium shipment that is supposed to be coming through a simple, sleepy town in the middle of China. Angela and her father (Got Heung Ting) must stop it. Carter Wong plays Pai Chien, a man who comes to the town looking to kill a man named Scarface Wu (James Nam), but later to only get involved with the opium shipment due to bad circumstances. Overall, the flick is a stinker. The pacing is slow, the fights are bad, and the story is weak. If not for Angela Mao and maybe Carter Wong, this flick is nothing to get excited about.