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小老虎 (1973)
The Young Tiger

Reviewed by: Gaijin84
Date: 07/21/2005
Summary: Absolutely horrendous

Not to be confused with the Jackie Chan movie Young Tiger, this movie is set and filmed in 1970's Hong Kong, not exactly a period most people think of for a kung-fu film. The main character is a young martial arts student who gets framed for a murder by a gang of blackmailers. After escaping from the police, he tracks down the gang himself and bringing them to justice, effectively clearing his name.

The Young Tiger is a truly awful movie. The acting is about as bad as you can get, and the plot is so simple it feels as though you are watching a children's cartoon. The martial arts are especially bad as well, with all the fight participants (including the lead) struggling to perform any moves and looking like they have no idea what they're doing. One particularly bad scene involves the main character on an ice-cream vending scooter being chased around a construction site sand pit by a couple cars. The scene inexplicably continues for about 15 minutes and becomes so ridiculous that it's hard not to laugh. Even though the scooter isn't going more than 15mph, the director desperately tries to make the scene harrowing, but fails miserably. Unless you're a fan of poorly dubbed, completely terrible movies that become funny they're so bad, avoid this movie at all costs.

Reviewer Score: 1

Reviewed by: STSH
Date: 12/28/2000
Summary: Not bad actioner

Mang Fei has made dozens of swordfighting films, but here he uses no weapons, and does quite well thank you. Although this is certainly not non-stop action, there's enough fu and fisticuffs to keep most action fans happy. There is a lot more fighting, and of better quality, in the second half.

My main complaint is the story. Yes, it's true that an action film doesn't need to be thought-provoking or sensible, but this one really is more than a bit hard to take. The guiding principle seems to be this - each character thinks "what is the most stupid, lame-brained thing I can do next" and then does it. Try this test - as you watch the film, see how often, and for how many characters, for which this guiding holds true. About the only one who gets out of this is Tiger's mother, and that's because all she has to do is look ashamed and read a letter. However, I will concede that Little Tiger is a hot-headed braggart who tends to jump into fights without caution, and this principle eminently suits him !

The lead actors are far from great at acting, but the support cast is a damn good bunch of veteran support actors. Stanley Fung is just mean enough as the blackmailer, and even gets to take a few kicks from Mang Fei in the climax (although he clearly uses a stunt double for the serious stuff !). The wonderful Wong San makes the best of his limited role of the "police captain" (actually a CID Inspector). Dean Shek did his then-regular shtick as an irritating pest with no talent. And stuntmen Mars and Fung Hak On are nicely menacing as thugs.

The actress who plays Mary (name unknown, possibly Nina Li ?) contributes a brief nude scene which, despite being shot from behind, is quite revealing ..... and a youngish Yip Wing Cho is pleasant as ever as the businessman enjoying Mary's body, then paying a very high price indeed when the photos arrive.

Try to ignore the lame-brained plot, and you'll get spend a fairly entertaining 80 minutes or so.

Reviewer Score: 6