Angel III (1989)
Reviewed by: Frank Lakatos on 2005-09-29
Summary: Just as boring as the first........
Just as boring as the first, and average fight scenes, with the kickboxing fight as the exception. The only difference here that this is a Thai coproduction shot in Thailand. The opening ambush towards the Thai president was quite creative and the kickboxing match which is the best kickboxing choreography I have ever seen! The movie is unintentionally laughable in certain scenes, but the movie is boring for the majority of the time. The supporting Thai woman is a real cold blooded bit(h(no smile, just the eye of the wolf), and she's with the good guys. Looks like they casted out of a bar in Soi Cowboy(probably why she's angry). Worth paying her bar fee for the kickboxing scene. Then press eject. ***1/2(for the kickboxing fight)/*****