Hong Kong X-File (1998)
Reviewed by: White Dragon on 2005-11-16
Summary: Kar Kar attempts to resurrect the eighties...
Sleazy Hong Kong cops Miu (Chin Kar Lok) and Ben (Bowie Lam) stuff up their duties and end up assigned to the prostitute beat, much to their delight. Whilst on duty investigating a particularly nasty murder at the Ka Yuen Saunas, Miu attracts the attentions of happy hooker Mui (Cheng Yim Lai, of DAUGHTER OF DARKNESS 2 notoriety) as well as uncovers the revenge plot by a wayward spirit whose mortal rape left her teetering between the realms of the living and the dead.

Really, really silly early nineties styled hijinks from infrequent director Kar Kar (VIETNAMESE LADY, BEAUTY OF THE HAUNTED HOUSE); appears designed as a Cat III film, but looks to have been cut down to a Cat IIB after the fact. DOD2 fans will be disappointed to discover Cheng Yim Lai remains clothed throughout (and four years on, a terrible actress to boot). Lots of topless nudity and wire-fu fail to make this one interesting…and much of the slapstick-styled humour will leave many cringing in their seats (Chin Kar Lok has definitely seen better days since this one was produced). Barely watchable, even as a throwback to cinematic eras passed.
Reviewer Score: 2