Apartment for Ladies (1970)
Reviewed by: STSH on 2005-12-14
Summary: Girl power
Pretty much agree with the first reviewer. A nice light entertainment which mixes several genres. There are a few dead spots, but none that last very long, so the film remains watchable nearly all the way.

The writing and direction are first rate, and the characters clearly defined and empathetic, and it presents the sort of beautiful images that come with A-grade production values. The acting tends toward the mugging end, but that's not too unusual for movies of this (these?) genre(s). And the background music is very pleasant. Songs permeate the fabric of the story, including a song sung by Ting Pei's character, called "Life Is Like A Boat", which she uses to find her missing sister.

It's all smiles at the end, as any comedy should be. Recommended.
Reviewer Score: 7