Aces Go Places V (1989)
Reviewed by: calros on 2005-12-25
Summary: Decent final of the series.
Sam and Karl team again to retrieve a valuable sword hidden in one of the Terracotta statues, joining forces with professional thieves Leslie Cheung and his sister Nina Li, which before pretended to be the Aces in order to frame them. Together, the four must face now an international thief and his henchmen, some of them disguised as Terracotta warriors.

Although not as good as the fourth (Ringo Lam, 1986), this movie is a good final chapter of the movie series. Unfortunately it has passed almost a decade since the first movie and its comic style was now absolutely old-fashioned. Also, some of the key-characters, played by Sylvia Chang and Siu Kong-Tau (Cyrus Wong), have vanished. The best thing here are the action scenes by the Lau Family, but of course they aren't the best of their filmography.
Reviewer Score: 6