Postman Strikes Back (1982)
Reviewed by: Frank Lakatos on 2006-02-10
Summary: This is a stylistic horror movie..
A Korean coproduction, this is one of the most different and difficult movies that the stars and Golden Harvest has had to shoot. They have taken an off kilter script and hired an effective director Ronny Yu to shoot in the icy wilderness in Korea. Imagine how many technical problems they had with the cmeras and equipment freezing. Still, in the worst of conditions, Yu is able to creatively oddify this movie, with style and power. Ronny Yu shoot some beautiful Yuen Woo Ping choreographed scenes of Leung Kar Yan doing high impact powerful side kicks, and music edit Tang Siu Lam loads this movie full of chase scores that were used in Taiwanese movie, scores that were unused for many years, and creates a very creepy and effective feel and style. Many Korean actors seen in those Dragon Lee movies make appearances, including "Jaguar Lee" Lam Ja Ho and Kwon Il Su, who play a piggy back kung fu team who ambush Chow Yun Fat(what's the chance that the two Koreans would ever meet each Chow!), the beautiful Kuk Jeong Suk plays a spy, and Jang Il Do plays the manchu general. Then we have Eddie Ko Hung playing the ninja and doing a third rematch with Leung Kar Yan in a disturbing and effective final fight in a Korean forest. Don't watch this movie as a Hong Kong kung fu movie. This is a stylistic horror movie, that uses stylish camera shots, an unpredictable pacing, and contrasts. A great and succesful experiment and experience in Ronny Yu's list of effective movies. Highly recommended. 5/5