Vengeance! (1970)
Reviewed by: cal42 on 2006-05-20
It’s 1925, “In a city in China” as the opening caption helpfully points out. Chinese Opera player Master Guan Yu Lo (Ti Lung) is killed after warning off some corrupt officials whose boss is suspected of having an affair with his wife. Yo Lo’s brother Hsiao Lo (David Chiang) rolls into town to avenge his brother’s death.

What seems like a simple revenge plot gets bogged down in places with contrived complexities.

The nature of David Chiang’s character is established right from his first scene upon arrival. He visits his late brother’s wife, and without further ado, stabs her sleeping partner repeatedly in the stomach – without knowing (or caring) who it is. In fact, David Chiang’s a psycho in this. If you look closely, you may be able to see why. In various scenes, he crushes an unlit cigarette in his fists – he’s clearly trying to give up smoking and is suffering terrible nicotine withdrawal symptoms. No wonder he’s so cranky. When he DOES smoke, he’s far more reasonable.

Anyhow. David Chiang has a romantic sub-plot with his brother’s wife’s sister, and far from giving the film substance, it just makes the proceedings falter and stall. Although the final scenes where David Chiang exacts his bloody revenge are good, I found this film difficult to like.

Today’s top tip: never wear a white suit to a massacre.
Reviewer Score: 5