Police Story III Super Cop (1992)
Reviewed by: Chungking_Cash on 2007-03-04
A sluggish first quarter and an atrocious musical score by Jonathan Lee prove the only significant drawbacks to "Supercop" the third installment in Jackie Chan's "Police Story" series. Once this loose cannon of an action film gets going -- much like the original -- there's no stopping it. The final reel houses Chan's lust for flirting with death as he dangles from a helicopter ladder over Kuala Lumpur before fighting two assailants on a moving train. Michelle Yeoh co-stars as a PRC captain who matches her male counterparts' martial arts agility in nearly every frame and even manages to jump a dirt bike on to said moving train making her the first (and last) female to prove Chan's equal on screen. In 1992, Hollywood's largest grossing action film was "Lethal Weapon 3" but the real police story's right here.
Reviewer Score: 9