The Mystery of Chess Boxing (1979)
Reviewed by: PAUL MARTINEZ on 2007-05-14
Summary: A guilty Pleasure
This film might be a little silly at times but the great Fighting sequences make you forget all that. Mark Lung was great as the villain. I don't care for Simon Yuen all that much but as I said earlier, some awesome battles we're worth the fluff in-between.

As for the reviewer taking shots at the Wu Tang Clan. They never "ripped off" anything. They openly stated that they took their love of the martial arts film genre and intergrated it in their music. Its a homage they're paying and I for one salute them for it. They've even gone as far as having many older kung fu movies re-released in the US on DVD in their originally dubbed format. So now asian cinema can be seen and enjoyed by a new generation.

As for the film, I really recommend it to anyone who loves old school non-wire work kung fu.
Reviewer Score: 7