Simply Actors (2007)
Reviewed by: JohnR on 2007-10-23
Summary: Jim Chun Goes Ca-Ra-Zy!
Light comedy whose message is, "we're all actors, so let's get it right, and the best way to get it right is to learn to act like your authentic self." I think.

Plot's been well-described below, so I'll just drop in a few notes.

Jim Chun's character, Chan Man Long, is supposed to be annoying. He's a would-be actor who over-acts in every situation he enters. One problem with the movie is that Jim Chun plays him so well: it really is annoying watching him. I wish he would have toned it down a little; Chan Man Long comes across as learning disabled. The biggest mystery in the movie is why his wife has stayed with him so long.

I thought Charlene Choi was convincing as Dani Dan, the soft-core actress yearning to be accepted as a legitimate actress. I suppose Charlene had a lot to draw on in acting the roll of someone who's not taken seriously as an actress. I thought she got her part down right; Dani has simplicity but there's depth revealed. Charlene could have followed Jim Chun and gone over the top, but instead she's delivered a strong, quiet performance. She gets lost in the part and "Charlene" disappears. Good job.

(Mild spoiler: In a further intermingling of art and life, Dani Dan, who longs to be taken seriously as an actress, eventually wins a Best Actress award in the movie while Charlene Choi, who faces relentlessly stubborn resistance from many movie buffs in being taken seriously as an actress, won Best Actress for her portrayal of Dani Dan.)

The movie does stumble along in places, but keeps going generally forward. It's amusing rather than roll-on-the-floor funny. Production values are high. Cameos from half the actors in Hong Kong.
Reviewer Score: 7