Beauty of the Haunted House (1998)
Reviewed by: ororama on 2009-11-10
Primarily a softcore sex comedy, "Beauty of the Haunted House" gets a little weird as it becomes a ghost story and finally reveals an unlikely explanation from World War II for the supernatural events.

The tendency to mix genres in Hong Kong movies can work, but doesn't work here, perhaps because the sex comedy is the only aspect of the movie that the filmmakers are really committed to. The one good joke involves a secretary played by Amuro Yuko hiding under the desk of her boss when his wife comes in. This old joke has a little bite because of her spiteful motive.

Beautiful Miyake Issei plays an assistant who is possessed by the ghost several times during her visit to the haunted house, to the pleasure, and later the consternation, of her boyfriend, who is also her superior. This was apparently Miyake's only movie role to date.

There was the potential for a different and interesting movie if the anti-Japanese jingoism had been dropped, and more attention had been paid to developing the ghost story, integrating it better into the sex comedy, and executing it more effectively. This was unfortunately a missed opportunity, and Miyake Issei is really the only reason to watch this movie.