Dangerous Encounter - 1st Kind (1980)
Reviewed by: mrblue on 2010-07-25
Dangerous Encounter - 1st Kind is a bit of a slow burn, as there are various characters and plotlines, as well as a MacGuffin in the guise of a box of Japanese bank notes, introduced that don't seem to gel together at first. There are also several scenes, most notably the disgusting and very graphic killing of a cat, that only look to be thrown in for the exploitation factor.

But everything is masterfully drawn together during the final act, which leads up to a suspenseful and tense confrontation in a graveyard. It turns out that's a fitting setting, as the violence ratchets up. This isn't the sort of movie that necessarily goes for quantity in the blood department, but, actually, the restraint shown by Tsui makes the deaths that do occur on-screen have all that much more impact.

In the end, there are no winners or losers, no heroes or villains, and no real resolution. In this case, though, that's a very good thing. The questions and thoughts Dangerous Encounter - 1st Kind will leave the viewer with speak highly to its' ability, like with all great films, to actually engage and draw people in.
Reviewer Score: 8