Beauty Parade (1961)
Reviewed by: Stephe on 2011-01-27
Beauty Parade is a fluff piece about country girl Kitty Ting
Hao being accepted in a city high school. She is very cute but
the film isn't even as serious as Spring Song, where Grace Chang
and Jeanette Lin Cui played adversarial college student roommates.
Tin Ching plays a country bumpkin smitten by Kitty, and Kelly Lai
Chen plays Kitty's best friend's brother who likes Kitty, but no
romantic relationship flourishes in this film. Rather, Kitty
excells in sports to the detriment of her studies, and has to try
hard to stay in school. Lo Wei plays her father, and it is
surprising to see him emote with tears in his eyes -- a great
departure from all the pompous roles he had at Shaw Brothers. A
slight, but enjoyable film, but really only recommended for those
who like Kitty Ting Hao, who is undeniably cute.
Reviewer Score: 5