Our Sister Hedy (1957)
Reviewed by: Stephe on 2011-01-27
I went into Our Sister Hedy prepared to drool over Julie Yeh
Feng, who I liked in It's Always Spring, and who I'd heard played
a temptress to a T in this film, but I was not prepared for the
wonderful ensemble acting and involving storytelling. The plot
details the romantic efforts of three sisters, played by Muk Hung,
Julie Yeh Feng, and Dolly So Fung, and a fourth sister, the title
Hedy, played by Jeanette Lin Cui, who is ostensibly content to stay
at home and be daddy's little girl while smoothing things out behind
the scenes. Maybe I'm a sap for liking this so much, but I really
did. This is the first time I'd seen Jeanette Lin Cui (whose only
Shaw Bros film was The Golden Buddha), and I instantly liked the
long-faced Dolly So Fung. I was really surprised to encounter Tin
Ching playing an affable, wholesome guy, after having first seen
him as a backstabbing weasel in The Boxer from Shantung, and Peter
Chen Ho playing a dour architect, after having previously seen him
only in Hong Kong Nocturne, opposite Cheng Pei-pei and Lily Ho.
Reviewer Score: 10