The Bride from Hell (1972)
Reviewed by: ororama on 2019-10-11
A young man on a journey seeks shelter at night at the home of a young woman in The Bride From Hell, leading to a marriage intended to resolve an issue of honor. The wedding is quickly celebrated, but then the family of the groom begins to suspect that the bride is a ghost who is seeking revenge for crimes committed against her and her parents. Her husband takes a long time to reach the obvious conclusion about his wife's identity.

Director Chou Hsu-Chiang makes good use of the well-designed and decorated sets to create a spooky atmosphere. Margaret Hsing is beautiful as both an earnest young woman and a vengeful ghost. Ko Hsiao-Pao provides a bit of humor as a servant who believes that if his new mistress is a ghost, his new wife, her servant, must be as well.

The Bride From Hell is traditional ghost story lacks the wild humor and gore that became common in Hong Kong horror in the late 1970s and early 1980s, but is atmospheric and delivers a worthwhile horror experience.