A Man Called Hero (1999)
Reviewed by: MilesC on 2000-01-20
Summary: Worst of '99
A truly agonizing experience. Looking for some martial arts action? There are really only a few brief scenes to be had, and they are all inferior to those found in the average wuxia film circa '93. How about a good story? No. The story consists of:

1)People having flashbacks. So many, in fact, that once or twice I forgot which time-period I was seeing.
2)Bad gweilos and Japanese doing bad things because, well, they were just born evil.
3)A lot of talk about nothing.

Characters are introduced only to disappear or die nearly unused. Love interests crop up and vanish. A seemingly MAJOR plot line is given considerable screen time, then dropped. Basically, everything that happens in this movie happens for no real reason. And it's not even stupid entertainment! Like I said, there's scant, sub-average action. Apparently BOB thought people wanted to watch ninety minutes of filler instead of either creating some real drama or AT LEAST loading it up with eye-candy. This movie is true garbage, and a slap in the face to audiences everywhere. If Andrew Lau were here I'd punch him; this movie may actually be worse than The Storm Riders, which at least COMPLETED its lame storylines. Seriously, this film is absolute garbage, even worse than its American counterparts.

On the positive side: there's a scene where Francis Ng shouts at Ekin from across the city, and the shot as his voice "zooms" through the city is, while unremarkable in American films, the first time I've seen such a thing in HK. Still, it hardly makes the film less wretched.