Rave Fever (1999)
Reviewed by: MilesC on 2000-06-09
Summary: Surprisingly entertaining.
I admit it: I'm a sucker for "puzzle" movies, in which a seemingly nonsensical situation is played out piece by piece until it's finally all tied up by the end. Combine my favorite gimmick with some creative but non-intrusive shooting techniques (the shot where Mark Lui's bathroom seemingly becomes another location in an unbroken shot is the kind of low-tech innovation that comes from working on a budget, and is so slick you'll barely notice it.) and some spirited performances and the result is a movie that was, for me at least, enjoyable throughout. The ending is, yes, somewhat offensive, but it's doesn't kill the movie like some claim, and is certainly no more politically incorrect than dozens of other scenes in Hong Kong movies. At any rate, X'Mas Rave Fever is far better than the title would suggest.