Crime Story (1993)
Reviewed by: resdog781 on 2000-08-24
Summary: A movie starring Jackie Chan
Let me explain to y'all something: There are "Jackie Chan movies" and "movies starring Jackie Chan". "Jackie Chan movies" you know and love: They're the ones with all the outrageous stunts and goofy humor that has become Jackie's trademark, including "Drunken Master 2", the "Police Story" series, etc. "Movies starring Jackie Chan" are movies that simply star Jackie Chan. Jackie does some nice things in it, kicks somebody's ass, and the movie's over. These included all of Jackie's American films, like "The Protector" and *ugh* "Rush Hour". This was one of those films.

Not to say it wasn't any good. It just lacked all the goofy humor and over-the-top action that a "Jackie Chan movie" would have. This was based on a true story about the kidnapping of a HK businessman and the investigation that followed. In real life, the businessman was never found. The action was okay. But it was too intense...Too...."Un-Jackie-like". If you catch my drift. There was no humor, and Jackie played this movie with all seriousness. Kent Cheung has another great role as the corrupt cop behind the businessman's kidnapping.

Not that it wasn't good, but this movie just wasn't a "Jackie Chan movie" in my mind.