Zu: The Warriors from the Magic Mountain (1983)
Reviewed by: nomoretitanic on 2001-03-11
Summary: Great Beginning
I liked the first half of the movie immensely, the battle scene with Yuen Biao and Samo running away from guys in different color uniforms was great, as was the Yuen Biao scene where he was fleeing from this ghost in an old shack, but then Hark Tsui started going crazy with the characters the monsters and lights and everything, which were a lot more than he could handle and hoaky stuff started to appear more and more frequently until the end it became really confusing. It was definitely a breakthrough, very ambitious and succeeded at times, but not as a whole. I really wanted to like this movie and I did end up liking it but it was because I knew all the efforts that were put into this movie, I'm not sure if I would have the same feelings if it were just a random find on the video shelf.