9413 (1998)
Reviewed by: PAUL MARTINEZ on 2001-11-28
Summary: I'm with You MilesC
Let me start off by saying I really respect Ryan's reviews. Usually I can tell if I would like a film or not by his take on it. That being said, I wish I would've seen the movie he reviews here.
The movie I saw was 9413 if you ever wondered what the term "a convuluted plot" was then watch this film. Other than that I could never recommend you seeing this. I'm not going to cover the story as that was done quite well by other reviewers.
I liked Francis Ng's work in other roles but in this one I just don't believe his character at all. Christine Ng however showed promise. I would like to see more of her, she had a captivating presence. Amanda Lee wasn't given much of a script to work with besides playing stoned. Still I found her extremely attractive.
Overall I think this movie got caught between trying to be an art film (Which It is not) and being a cop/love story. Which it might have worked if it didn't try to be so artsy.

Reviewer Score: 3