Gen-Y Cops (2000)
Reviewed by: danton on 2002-01-03
Fun movie. Not really a sequel to GenX cops (although some of the same characters used). Actually liked it almost better than the predecessor, because the movie takes itself less seriously. Sam Lee is hilarious throughout.

That being said, this movie is also sympotamtic of the Hollywoodization of HK action movies - most of the dialogue is in English, and based on the dialogue used, it seems North Americans only talk in HipHop speak. There's hardly a normal English sentence spoken - everything is of the "Yo, chill out, man" variety.

The story, as far as there is one, deals with a Robocop type robot being stolen and generally wreaking havoc, with the so-called GenY Cops trying to get it back and save HK from evil. The premise was quite similar to Robotrix (ah, the yipster...) but just on a much larger budget. The action scenes are ok. Nothing breathtaking, but decently done.