Magic Cop (1990)
Reviewed by: danton on 2002-01-03
Another cheapie, but a very good one. Lam Ching Ying once again plays a taoist fighting the occult, except that this time he's actually not a priest but a police officer (hence the title). The movie is set in modern day HK, and is about some evil cult headed by the bewitching Michiko Nishiwaki who uses some sort of "ice spell" to control and use dead zombies who do her bidding. Lam Ching Ying will have none of that, and after much ado involving various taoist spells and mumbo jumbo, he finally gets to pull out his wooden sword and his magic mirror and show Michiko who's the boss - except she knows a thing or two about HK horror movies as well, and decides to turn into an evil witch and clobber Lam Ching Ying with some cheesy spells of her own. Soon bodies leap and somersault to avoid the cheesy lightning effects, heads fly through air, and the viewer knows this ain't over and nobody's truly dead until they explode...

Anyone who likes the various Mr Vampire movies, will truly enjoy this little gem. Highly recommended! (only available on VCD, unfortunately).