The Young Avenger (1972)
Reviewed by: pjshimmer on 2002-04-25
Summary: Classic
This is a good effort that took 3 years to complete. The King's Video trailer advertized it as "a new form of swordplay." While that's a 100% overstatement, the swordplay does look nice in this one. Unexpectedly, there are a lot of running and sterning, clearly resemblance of King Hu's trademarks.

I have to say, I wasn't expecting much from this movie that only grossed 1/3 of a million HK$, so it was a propos that this is not a perfect movie. The story sounded great, but it wasn't executed well at all. More could have been thrown in, as this movie really didn't give much of anything. Plus, no female lead has annoyed me as much as Si Si here since Hsu Qi in The Blacksheep Affair. So it definitely could have been better.
