Up for the Rising Sun (1997)
Reviewed by: annelam on 2002-04-29
Summary: Interesting themes but totally destroyed by its pace.
This movie has an excellent cast.. (George Lam, Anita Yuen, Lam Ka Tung, Jessica Hester) with interesting themes but is totally destroyed by its pace! If it was somewhat an artistic movie, its slow paced dialogue would be forgiven but as this is not, I would have expected a faster and more interesting dialogue. The climax isn't really achived as the story builds up too slowly. The themes dealt in this movie is realistic and should appeal to many as rich ppl's family feud somehow seems to have an interesting appeal to almost everyone who can relate to it or actually hopes that will one day be able to relate to it! However, just interesting themes and an excellent cast aren't enough to make this movie a memorable one. Interesting to watch but won't be missed if skipped. My rating? 5/10.