Dummy Mommy, Without a Baby (2001)
Reviewed by: zarrsadus on 2002-05-01
Summary: Great for Edison fans and still manages to be funny for the rest of us
The premise of this film sounded funny, so I figured might as well check it out and see how well Edison is doing since I last saw him in Final Romance. On to the review and criticism. As you could probably guess from the summary on the back of the video, this movie was about a wacky situation that then kept getting worse and worse as the lie progressed. Some moments were hilarious, but the overall storyline was not so good. It was funny seeing Miriam Yeung pretending to be pregnant, but the subplot of Monica (Pauline Yam) liking Edison wasn't developed very well at all. I will say that I enjoyed Edison's other job and his whole character development, so the movie was good in developing Edison at least. Other than the Edison background parts, things got pretty unbelievable at the end as there was a sort of snowball effect of LK's lie about being pregnant. Sure it was funny, but it also was one of those movies where you were waiting for the next crazy thing to happen to mess up the character's life - in a funny way at least. Overall, 7 out of 10.
Reviewer Score: 7