Ashes of Time (1994)
Reviewed by: Stardust on 2002-07-10
Summary: A Trick
First of all, who was tricked into watching this film because of the all-star cast? Second, how many of you started saying "what the heck?" after 5 min (10 min tops)?

I know I shouldn't be writing a review when I honestly did not finish the movie, but I couldn't resist because it sucked so much. I will also admit that I am one of those who do not understand Wong Kar Wai films.

Seriously, you'd think this movie, given the title, would be filled with martial arts, action, adventure, etc. Instead, you get lots of people's faces with their messy hair in the way, darkness and shadows, etc. I almost burst out laughing when someone told me (after 10 min) that the whole damn movie is gonna be this pathetic...yes, I was hoping that it would get better eventually, but no such luck. I simply had to give up after 20 min.

For those who actually liked and understood the movie, good for you. But for me, this is one form of art that I won't admire, and I'm sticking to this confession.

Rating: 0/10
Reviewer Score: 1