Headlines (2001)
Reviewed by: msnider on 2002-12-13
Summary: Great Movie
I live in the U.S., so I had to buy the VCD of Headlines from Hong Kong. I did so because I a am a fan of Emil Chau's, and not much of his work is available to me so when I got the chance to buy Headlines, I didn't waste any time.

Well, I certainly got my money's worth. Headlines was excellent, depicting the press as what they really are behind the scenes. But this movie also shows that even people in the newspaper business have a heart and are human. How they find their way into that business field, I have no idea. Superb performances by all actors...whoever said that Emil isn't a very good actor, well, I don't know where in the world you got that idea from. That scene between he and Officer Mak is pure gold. This was certainly a better movie than what the U.S. has been putting out lately.