Bruce Le's Greatest Revenge (1979)
Reviewed by: STSH on 2003-04-17
Summary: Ripper
What a daggy title ! But despite some silliness at the start, this star-studded sockfest really delivers. There's plenty of fu in the first half, but the second half is nearly non-stop and high quality entertaining fu.

There's even some brief full frontal nudity, as an unfortunate dockworker's daughter (played by some unknown lovely) gets raped and killed by the baddies.

The story is of course pretty silly and probably isn't very popular in Japan. The Japanese characters are portrayed as cruel or stupid bullies, and richly deserving of the womping handed out by Bruce and Co. Bruce Le goes all out to imitate his namesake. Animal screeches, nunchukas, nose thumbing, even the facial expressions.

Warmly recommended.
Reviewer Score: 7