The Voyage of Emperor Chien Lung (1978)
Reviewed by: mpongpun on 2003-07-05
Interesting flick by Li Han Hsiang on one of China’s greatest Emperors, Chien Lung, who ruled during the 18th Century. Unlike some of Li Han Hsiang’s films dealing with Chinese royalty, Li Han Hsiang changes his approach and tones down the seriousness of the film by portraying the Emperor as calm, down to Earth ruler, who was always in touch with the commoners. Emperor Chien Lung liked to travel through China’s countryside incognito to hear the opinions of the common person, learn about the people’s customs, their thoughts and feelings, official corruption, and to get a reading on the level of loyalty among the country. During Chien Lung’s illustrious reign, China was peaceful and wealthy. In this flick, which I believe is a true story based on one of the Emperor’s travels, the Emperor travels to some place in Southern China with two of his subjects, Liu Yung (Li Kun) and Rong An (Chiang Nan). For the rest of the flick, it plays out like a contest as the Emperor and Rong An try to get over Liu, by daring him to partake in some crazy bets. Each time, the witty Liu succeeds and wins each of the best Royal prizes such as a jade ring, a royal pouch, and a load of money. Nevertheless, none of the items won by Liu satisfies him. His desire is to win a Royal Dragon robe so that he can parade in it for the entire world to know. Fortunately, Liu wins a tough bet and is given the robe as a prize, but in the end, the Emperor and Rong An get the last laugh.