Well, I got two new movies to see :)

Discussions about Hong Kong Movies

Well, I got two new movies to see :)

Postby Chinoco » Thu Jan 04, 2007 8:16 am


This message board has really dropped off... Kind of a shame.

I'm as much to blame as anyone, really. I have found my interest in HK movies kinda ebbs and flows. Sometimes I seem to get distracted by my other hobbies (nfl & nba for example). Either that, or I watch too many lame movies, and it kinda kills the mood for a while...

Anyway, the interest is back :D I just got two movies in the mail: WO HU, and EXILED!!! :) Can't wait to watch them, and I will post my reviews very soon...

Do any of you guys find your interest level in HK movies come and go? I would love to hear your thoughts on this.

Later :)
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Postby cal42 » Thu Jan 04, 2007 8:33 am

Yes, definitely. I got so bored and disillusioned at one time I kept away from HK films for a year.

It was a good experience actually, as when I came back I was much more into them again.

It pays to have a break every now and then, I think.
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Postby Brian Thibodeau » Thu Jan 04, 2007 5:36 pm

Life gets in the way sometimes, but my interest never died. In fact, my biggest frustration is when I can't find the time to plow through the mountains of discs I've amassed over the past few years! Now that winter's here, perhaps I can make a dent!

Sometimes I think the sheer volume of Hong Kong movies—new and old—available on DVD these days can turn off even the heartiest fanatic for a time. While the forums here aren't the busiest, few others seem to be doing much better, with so many threads devoted to either hot new releases or debating the technical details of the umpteenth reissue of some "classic" piece of Hong Kong cinema, while so many other films barely rate a mention, let alone a discussion.

One thing I do like here is the fact that, while we may not discuss them very often, some folks, myself included (though to a lesser extent) are making sure Hong Kong's bottom-tier B-movies, catergory III sleazefests and DTV junk are not being forgotten (kudos to Bearserk in particular for seeking out so much wonderful garbage!).

I recently moved from a modest-sized Canadian city to a much bigger Canadian city, Toronto. The office where I work is right in the heart of the city's upscale northend (though not my apartment, unfortunately), which has a very large Hong Kong Chinese community (very large), and thus a seemingly endless supply of gigantic Chinese plazas, indoor malls and restaurants. At least twice a week, I stop into a couple of these places and pick up some movies, music or food on the way home. Avoiding bootlegs is pretty tough in this town, but thankfully there are some decent places that have stayed legit through it all. At least a couple of places regularly dump older VCD's into a box for $2 each, which makes for some pretty interesting weekly sweeps, including a recent haul of at least six movies from Simon Loui's DTV "blonde period" like SWORD OF DAMOCLES and BEWARE THE STRIPTEASE. Hell, the bargain hunting alone keeps my interest in Hong Kong cinema from flagging, even if it might be months or years before I can possibly watch them all! :D

Incidentally, for those visiting Toronto some day, be sure to check out the famous Pacific Mall, a thriving two-storey, Hong-Kong style shopping arcade with around 500 little glassed-in stores that has become a tourist destination in and of itself. The place sadly crawls with bootleggers, but there's at least two stores (Broadcast Book & Gift and a music store the name of which escapes me) that sell strictly legitimate CDs and DVDs at very reasonable rates (thanks to all the illegal competition). The mall actually has another mall inside on the second floor, a market-style collection of another 100 booths and food counters!


Regular visits to places like this probably keep my interest in Hong Kong cinema alive more than anything else (besides the movies themselves, of course!).
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Postby JohnR » Fri Jan 05, 2007 5:39 pm

It's funny you should ask about waning HK movie interest, because just over the past couple weeks I've found mine flagging a bit. I guess it's relative, though, because the waning for me is just that when I go to the shelf to watch one over again I can't find one that hits me hard enough to put in. I've either watched it too many times or once was enough.

I just received an order of five new movies the other day (I'm going to try to discipline myself and only watch one a week to make them last). I have over 200 DVDs/VCDs and each time a new order arrives I get that "you must be mentally unbalanced" look from my wife, so I try to space the orders. First one is tonight! (Bangkok Dangerous; I know it's not HK.)

As far as the discussions being quiet lately, I think this board has the confidence to get through silences on occassion; I like the fact that people here don't feel they need to talk for the sake of talking.
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Postby Chinoco » Sat Jan 06, 2007 5:09 pm

I'm glad other people feel the same way that I do...

The fact that I feel bad about my waning interest at least proves that I care 8) Anyway, I'm back into it now and I really enjoyed the last few movies I have seen as well!

I guess with so many things to do in life, this can happen from time to time...
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Interest in HK movies

Postby Tanama77 » Mon Feb 19, 2007 12:49 am

I myself don't watch as many movies as my boys do, but now that I have joined a dvd club maybe I can pay more attention to movies in the catalogue sort of speaking. I find my main interest right now being martial arts and with my latest promotion my boys are interested in getting back into karate and this time take it serious. Well if I happen to watch a HK film I will be sure to comment on it, have a great weekend!
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Postby mrblue » Sat Feb 24, 2007 1:03 am

I don't watch nearly as many HK movies as I used to... mostly becauase after working on my site for nine years and 750+ reviews, I'm a bit burned out. Plus the new stuff coming out isn't exactly mind-blowing for the most part.

As for the thing about this board slowing down, it's not just HKMDB, it's just the net in gerenal. I remember when I first got started there were literally a handful of sites and the alt-asian-movies newsgroup, now there are tens of thousands of sites out there... things have just become diluted.
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Postby bkasten » Sat Feb 24, 2007 1:25 am

HKMDB's traffic levels have been pretty consistent over the last 8 years (before that, I don't have any data). The trend has been upward over the last year and a half. Even with the introduction of a simple membership system and my disallowing google and yahoo bots from indexing the site, the traffic levels are still trending upward. Part of it is the site's availability has been pretty consistent, and of course there is the increase in data content and accuracy (particularly in images and credits).

HKMDB is not a site particularly dedicated to current films, action and martial arts films, teen idols, porn, nor to DVD trainspotting. That, right there, reduces interest tremendously...
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Postby Brian Thibodeau » Sat Feb 24, 2007 2:35 am

As for the thing about this board slowing down, it's not just HKMDB, it's just the net in gerenal. I remember when I first got started there were literally a handful of sites and the alt-asian-movies newsgroup, now there are tens of thousands of sites out there... things have just become diluted.

While I can't comment on the dilution of Asian cinema websites, per se, as I regularly visit only about six sites (including HKfilm) related to Asian cinema that I find dependable, reliable and reasonably updated (I contribute to just only two), I must say I find most if not all of the sites related to Hong Kong cinema in particular, rather lacking, surprisingly.

While I can find reviews of, say ELECTION, or ROB-B-HOOD or most new releases from Hong Kong, as well as the endless re-releases of high-profile "classics" at sites like HKFilm, BRNS, Illuminated Lantern, KFC, LoveHKFilm, CityOnFire and many more, what I often can't find, is information on the countless Hong Kong movies that have fallen off the radar. You'll find a laundry list of these in the "2007 Digital Scrounge" thread. I've picked up a lot of them over the past couple of months at bargain prices, and it kinda saddens me that so little information exists about them, outside of (often incomplete) cast & credit lists here. Even in my first couple of posts there, in which I begged for opinions on anything I found, most people simply hadn't seen them.

Which shows me that the dissemination of Hong Kong cinema to the masses via the internet is nowhere near as all-encompassing as it could be. Of course, from an entirely selfish perspective, that's not entirely a bad thing, since it allows me a sense of discovery with many of these titles which recalls the feeling I had when I first got hooked on this stuff! ;)

And I'm not talking about the no-budget DV stuff, either. If you look through that thread, you can find any number of titles from solid directors with name actors that have, at best, one or two OLD reviews in the database. Many have none, neither here nor at many other sites.

It's almost as though a lot of fans and webmasters have simply gone through the list of three or four hundred "Hong Kong movies you must see"—basically, the titles raved about in fanzines of old and books like Sex & Zen & A Bullet In The Head, Hong Kong Action Cinema, etc.— and then have stuck to almost nothing but new releases and reissues of key titles ever since.

There's a lot of stuff floating around out there that just isn't feeling the love. I know I may have a bit of an advantage in finding some of these old treasures with my recent relocation, but the truth is, I used to drive three hours to load up on this stuff, and would often take a chance on cheapo DVD sales at places like Poker and DDD just to see what so many other people seemed to be missing.

Don't get me wrong, I'm in no way criticizing the content or quality of these sites. They've all been very helpful in cross-checking information and such, and the forums are often fun to read. In fact, my hope is that people like Mr. Blue will keep plugging away at their sites, because there's SO MANY titles out there that haven't been given their due. One might have to dig through boxes of old VCDs, or even (gasp!) laserdiscs to find them, but they're there. If you don't live in a big city, you might have to travel a bit to find them, but they're there. And they're often cheap, which helps keep the burnout at bay, I find. :lol:

The best I can do for the moment is buy them and upload screengrabs of credits so Bob's DB can be even better in the future. Thankfully, others have the same idea (hell, Mr. Bearserk even finds a lot of the same movies!! :lol:) and have been helping out in this regard.
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