News Links - 1/16/09

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News Links - 1/16/09

Postby dleedlee » Fri Jan 16, 2009 3:26 pm

Forever Enthralled competing at Berlin Film Festival

Claustrophobia scheduled for Feb. 12 release in Hong Kong and China

FILM REVIEW: And the rest, as they say, is history ... 2003433896

"Red Cliff" battles its way to HK charts

Ip Man versus Ong Bak 2! ... -jaa-thai/

"Chandni Chowk to China" review
India meets China in Chandni Chowk ... _chowk.php

"Feng Sheng" ("Sound of the Wind")
Top Chinese Actresses Join Hands in Spy Film
Bingbing and Zhou Xun will collaborate for the first time in ten years
“Feng Shengâ€
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Postby Brian Thibodeau » Fri Jan 16, 2009 5:18 pm

Jackie Chan to replace Stephen Chow in Hollywood Movie "Karate Kid" ... 1b9bc.html

This article says Chow turned down the role because he had several other scripts to work on. While I don't doubt that's possible, I do wonder if there's something else that kept him from the role. He's not allowed in Canada, as has been mentioned in these news forums a couple times over the years, so maybe U.S. officials might read something into that in this day and age. :?
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Postby dleedlee » Fri Jan 16, 2009 5:59 pm

Brian Thibodeau wrote:
Jackie Chan to replace Stephen Chow in Hollywood Movie "Karate Kid" ... 1b9bc.html

This article says Chow turned down the role because he had several other scripts to work on. While I don't doubt that's possible, I do wonder if there's something else that kept him from the role. He's not allowed in Canada, as has been mentioned in these news forums a couple times over the years, so maybe U.S. officials might read something into that in this day and age. :?

I wondered the same thing when Green Hornet was announced. Even though Chow's no longer directing it, apparently he will still play Kato, for now anyway. :?:
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Postby Brian Thibodeau » Fri Jan 16, 2009 6:52 pm

dleedlee wrote:apparently he will still play Kato, for now anyway. :?:

Perhaps we should start an office pool? ;)

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Postby dleedlee » Sun Jan 25, 2009 7:15 pm

Seth Rogen’s Green Hornet May Not Happen After All ... after-all/

Has Rogen's 'Green Hornet' Been Defeated? ... 540&page=1
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Postby dleedlee » Tue Jan 27, 2009 5:34 pm

Old news resurfaces :


Martial arts actor STEPHEN CHOW thought his global ambitions were over when he was denied entry to Canada in 1995 - because of suspected links to gangsters.

The KUNG FU HUSTLE star is southeast Asia's most celebrated actor but was once hired by a Triad-related film company and was then deemed too high a risk by the Canadian immigration department.

Chow says, "A long time ago I was an actor, hired by a film company, and I was only interested in trying to work as an actor on a movie. I did not care what the company background was or who it had links with. That was not my concern.

"But I don't get, or understand, how the Canadian immigration department did not see the difference between being an employee and being a director who could make decisions. The whole thing was totally nonsense." ... ad%20links

ref. ... chow+triad

Also, Stephen Chow is rumoured to be considering remaking Journey to the West later this year. If so, that would also seem to rule out Green Hornet.
Last edited by dleedlee on Tue Jan 27, 2009 6:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Brian Thibodeau » Tue Jan 27, 2009 6:38 pm

dleedlee wrote:Old news resurfaces :

Looks like an older article, but it does indeed seem like it was "news" even before we heard about it.

As mentioned in that linked thread, though (and I seem to recall an even earlier one where it came up), it's tough not to imagine most Hong Kong celebrities over a certain age being hired by triads at some point in their careers, or associated with triad-connected productions, yet this country, this city (along with Vancouver), is home (or second home) to more of them than just about anywhere else outside of Asia. So if they could get here and he couldn't . . . :?

Of course, we can never rule out the dimwittery of Canadian bureaucracy, either.

EDIT: Or maybe this guy just doesn't think the country's big enough for the both of them! :lol: Actually, just realized he works in the same office park as me, so I'd better be nice.
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Postby dleedlee » Tue Jan 27, 2009 7:41 pm

and I seem to recall an even earlier one where it came up),

I remember that too. Was it on Sanney's old or Wolverine's HKTopTen?

Yep, found these on the old HKTopTen newsgroup postings (remember when Stephen Chow used to be Stephen Chiau?):

April 1996:
5. Rumor has it that Stephen Chiau Sing Chi's recent attempt to immigrate to Canada was
thwarted by the Canadian authorities siting that Stephen may have ties to Triad and have
8 boxes (!) of evidence supporting the claim. Oh well.

(October 1997)
Stephen Chiau Sing Chi continues to fight Canada on his immigration

Lawyers from both sides of the Stephen Chiau Sing Chi's immigration
application rejection case will cross examine witnesses, including Chow Sing
Chi and the official who rejected his application, Jean Paul Delisle.

Chow Sing Chi is currently in Europe. He has handed all matters
regarding the case to his lawyer and has no comment.

The request for another hearing was issued by Chow Sing Chi's lawyer
in April to question immigration official Delisle who denied Chow Sing
Chow's application and asked the court to delay the hearing from April to
January of next year.

Later, lawyers representing the immigration department also requested
to question Chow Sing Cho; both side agreed to a new hearing.

Both sides' lawyers have tried to set a date and place for the hearing.
Originally it was to take place in July, but due to Chow Sing Chi having
previous engagements, and Delisle leaving his long time post in Hong Kong,
both sides finally agreed to hold the closed door hearing on the 28th.

According to Canadian laws, after the witnesses' testimony, both
sides have the right to question the other side's witnesses again to prove
the validity of the testimony, but the hearing must take place outside of

Chow Sing Chi's case will take place in Vancouver next January.
After a round of closed door hearing, the hearings will be public.

The immigration department siting the case might involve Classified
Information regarding National Security requested to first have the closed
door hearing to allow immigration department's lawyers to hand over
confidential evidence.
Thus both Chow Sing Chi and his legal representation
cannot attend.

Chow Sing Chi applied for immigration to Canada in February 1993,
and was rejected by Delisle on the basis of suspicion that Chow is or once
was a member of the Triad Sun Yi On.

(January 1998)
Stephen Chiau Sing Chi's immigration appeal begins

Hong Kong film star Stephen Chiau Sing Chi after having his immigration
application has been rejected has filed for an appeal. The hearing has begun
on the 21st. Chiau's lawyer pointed out the official didn't have enough
evidence to prove Chow Sing Chi to be an underworld member. She also
criticized the immigration department for the closed door evidence exchange
earlier which is unfair to Chow Sing Chi.

The court on the 16th held a closed door meeting on the case. At the
time the immigration department claimed national security and personal safety as reasons used chapter 82
of the immigration laws to hold a closed door
meeting to exchange evidence. The public and Chow Sing Chi's lawyer could
not attend the closed door hearing.

On the 21st in the public hearing, Chow Sing Chi's lawyer Barbara
Jackman was the first to speak. She pointed out the Canadian official in
Hong Kong Jean-Paul Delisle's judgement has holes in his ruling.

Jackman said, Delisle believed Chow Sing Chi's film career has been
under the control the Heung family's Wins Entertainment and Sam Wo film
production. A report in America pointed out the Heung family's organization
Sun Yi On plays a key figure in the Hong Kong underworld, thus Chow Sing Chi
is suspected to a member of the underworld as well.

However, according to Jackman, among Chow Sing Chi's 23 films made
before 96, only 7 were produced by Wins and Sam Wo. When Chow Sing Chi was
working for Wins and Sam Wo, his management company was Hong Kong's TVB Ltd.
His contracts with a film company must first be approved by TVB, which
proved that Chow Sing Chi isn't a puppet of the Heung family.

Jackman said, Delisle knew that Chow Sing Chi has met another
underworld figure Wong Cheung Ying. When Delisle met with Chow Sing
Chi he asked if Chow knew Wong Cheung Ying. At the time Chow stressed
that he has never heard of that name.

Jackman pointed out Chow Sing Chi didn't deliberately hide that fact.
Wong Cheung Ying uses another name Wong Chun and Chow Sing Chi didn't notice.

On top of that Chow and Wong only had a meal together and didn't have any
other exchanges. Wong nickname "Tsim (sha tsui) East Tiger among Tigers)
die in Thailand years ago.

Jackman although didn't know the content of the secret evidence handed
over by the immigration department still defended her client with vigor. She
requested the court to treat the evidence in the closed door hearing with the
usual standard for evidence to maintain the current judicial spirit.

Jackman after the hearing criticized the unfairness shown by the
immigration department to Chow Sing Chi in handing evidence over in a closed
door hearing.

She pointed out without knowing the content of the evidence, Mr. Chow
could not react and respond, making her defense more difficult.

(Feb 1998):
Stephen Chiau Sing Chi did his best to maintain his image

Stephen Chiau Sing Chi 5 years ago filed for immigration to Canada and
was rejected due to suspicion that he has ties to the underworld. His appeal
also has been rejected. Toward that, Chow Sing Chi said he appealed only to
maintain his image in Hong Kong film and he has done everything he could.

Chow Sing Chi on the 6th lightly said, "Whether there is any hope or
not, that doesn't matter. I did it for the Hong Kong film image, I tried my
best to obtain justice. As for the other related information, you can ask
my lawyer."

Chow Sing Chi since being rejected for immigration in 93 and appealed
in 95 has been struggling for more than two years. After a three day closed
door hearing at a Canadian Federal Court, the appeal was rejected by the
courts, but the judge on the verdict expressed Chow Sing Chi could appeal

Sing Jai although was rejected for immigration to Canada, his new
film wasn't affected. His long awaited Jung Gok Dut Mo Chut Chut Chut (Lit:
Chinese Special Agent 777) will begin production in March or April. Earlier
a magazine pointed out he hopes to help his pals Lee Kin Yun and Tin Kai Man
with this film. "I have always enjoyed helping out new comers. I feel they
have a lot of potential. They have been waiting for a chance. If they are
willing to work hard, there will definitely be a chance."

(August 1999)

(PETER TANG, CHOI CHI HO, THE SUN 7/30/1999) Stephen Chiau Sing Chi's
immigration application has been rejected numerous times. His latest
appeal should be heard in court in January. Chow Sing Chi's application
was rejected because the authorities suspect him of having ties with
certain organizations.

Sing Ye's lawyer spent a year's time in negotiation with the related
departments and finally both sides have reached an agreement on a hearing.

The Canadian courts also have confirmed that Chow Sing Chi's legal
representation has already applied for a date at the Ottawa courts.
However since the courts have 95 similar cases to hear, Sing Ye's
application would not be heard until after January 10.


Also discovered this trivia: Leslie Cheung was a replacement for Stephen Chow in Derek Yee's Viva Erotica(!):

The Derek Yee Tung Sing directed Sik Ching Nam Nui (Lit: Sex Man Woman) has a
cast change: Stephen Chow Sing Chi has quitted the starring role and is replaced
by Leslie Cheung Kwok Wing. When asked if he quitted because there are scenes in
which he has to show his butt, Stephen laughingly answered that he feels that his
butt isn't too good looking. He also expressed that temporarily he will not work
on anything new, concentrating on his own Chung Kwok Teet Gum Gon (Lit: China Iron
Golem), this film will begin shooting in May or June.
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Postby Brian Thibodeau » Tue Jan 27, 2009 10:14 pm

Wow! Interesting stuff. I guess it's not too surprising that the Heung empire would rate a mention! ;) I wonder if Chow just gave up trying after awhile (or never could find out what was in those 8 boxes).

I also wonder if the Wong Cheung-ying mentioned in those articles is this chap: ... ay_set=eng
He's only got one credit in the DB, as presenter of a film produced by . . . Charles Heung.
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Postby dleedlee » Tue Jan 27, 2009 11:58 pm

Brian Thibodeau wrote:Wow! Interesting stuff. I guess it's not too surprising that the Heung empire would rate a mention! ;) I wonder if Chow just gave up trying after awhile (or never could find out what was in those 8 boxes).

I also wonder if the Wong Cheung-ying mentioned in those articles is this chap: ... ay_set=eng
He's only got one credit in the DB, as presenter of a film produced by . . . Charles Heung.

According to this report (8/2001), he went all the way to the Supreme Court.

TORONTO: Canada has closed its doors on Stephen Chiau, one of Asia’s biggest movie stars, immigration officials said on Friday, citing the actor’s connection to organised crime as “triadsâ€
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Postby Brian Thibodeau » Wed Jan 28, 2009 1:44 am

Once again, nice detective work! 8) You're now an honorary Canadian. Pick up your toque and your two-four the next time you cross the border, eh?

Despite my bringing Chow's emigration woes up from time to time, I have to say it would kinda suck to not be allowed to see any of the evidence they have against you when they deny you entry to a country, especially when the base accusation is such a strongly-worded one. But them's the rules, I guess.
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