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少林五祖 (1974)
Five Shaolin Masters

Hong Kong DVD release (Celestial Pictures); sleeve scan
(sadly, Celestial began, with its second year of Shaw Brothers releases when they switched to anamorphic, for whatever reason, with their "frame cuts" habit: cutting out single frames before and after each change of camera setting all over the movie. – For the real afficionados these releases became hard to watch, as the continuity from shot to shot thus got destroyed. Especially with shot changes during a fight scene, every single frame cut out or left in a print is important and should not be taken away deliberately afterwards, as, for sure, professional editors back then at Shaw Brothers exactly knew what they did.) – In the case of FIVE SHAOLIN MASTERS even manipulated the original final cut by deleting a double segment (shot from another angle) from the showdown between Ti Lung and Tsai Hung.

(Image uploaded by Oliver Sodemann)