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形手螳螂腿 (1979)
Death Duel of Kung Fu

Ocean Shores Video catalogue; front scan
(displaying the Hong Kong VHS releases of Ao Yang Chun’s THE SECRET OF SHAOLIN POLES, Chang Chi’s THE DEATH DUEL OF KUNG FU, Samo Hung’s THE VICTIM and Lin Ping’s THE NEW GAME OF DEATH)
Ocean Shores Video Ltd. was formed in 1978 and one of the first major video producers in the Far East. Their releases for the Hong Kong market very often were in widescreen with original embedded English and Chinese subtitles. – Unfortunately, with their expansion into overseas markets, they released their English versions in fullscreen. In many cases their Mandarin versions without subtitles are simply zoomed-in subtitled prints, thus having matted the embedded subtitles away!

(Image uploaded by Oliver Sodemann)