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鬼整人 (1991)
Guys in Ghost Hand

Reviewed by: ksbutterbox
Date: 02/15/2004
Summary: Pretty bad all right..but here's a suggestion..

This has almost exactly the same cast
as "The Twilight Siren" (1990).

Difference is Ricky Lau (from Mr. Vampire series) directed Twilight Siren.

The same props, the same fireworks,sparklers,roman candles budget
except Ricky's works.

The one thing about Guys in Ghosts Hands
that made me nuts was the same theme music motif kept playing over and over again...ha! ha ! It also has a few unintentionally (I'm sure) moments of
hilarity. The facial expressions of the
vampires especially.

If you can find Twilight Siren I think
you'll like it more... I know I did.
It has Wu Ma and Alex Fong as well and
the story is a better one. Plus, the wirework is more like ACGS and the production is of a tad higher quality.

I noticed Twilight is not in this database...wonder why? It should be!

Reviewed by: ElectraWoman
Date: 10/28/2000
Summary: 1/10-Tries hard, but dies

I knew there was trouble when the costumes people were wearing in the intro were straight out of a TV series :)

The fight scenes weren't really fights, they were just glorified acrobatics, IMO, and while the film tries hard, my GOD was this boring.

Reviewed by: STSH
Date: 03/15/2000
Summary: Really awful

I'm a sucker for any movie featuring the gorgeous Tsang Siu Yin. This actress has made very few films and, like Amy Yip, tends to appear on screen for very short times only.
Most unfortunately, this film is no exception. After being the key character in the opening scene (she gets beheaded, but the head says "give me back my body"), she promptly vanishes for most of the rest of the film. Her only other substantial scene is about half-way in, where we see her being raped by the judge who was later to order her execution.
Also, having the wonderful gravel-voiced Guk Fung should have helped. But the great old pro looks completely lost.
The remainder of the cast fare little better.
There are occasional bright moments. For instance, late at night, an unfortunate seller of hot rice dumplings gets the headless corpse as a customer. Corpse "eats" the dumplings by slipping them into her collar.
And the fight scenes near the end are so-so.
But the remainder is SSSSSOOOOO DULL !

Reviewer Score: 2