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江欣燕  ♀
Alvina Kong Yan-Yin

Police Story Part II (1988)

The Iceman Cometh (1989)

Crocodile Hunter (1989)

Mr. Canton and Lady Rose (1989)

Funny Ghost (1989)

Funny Ghost (1989)

Funny Ghost (1989)

Family Day (1990)

Vampire Settle on Police Camp (1990)

Middle Man (1990)

Middle Man (1990)

Middle Man (1990)

Middle Man (1990)

License to Steal (1990)

License to Steal (1990)

The Revenge of Angel (1990)

Middle Man (1990)

Vampire Family (1993)

Right Here Waiting... (1994)

Forbidden City Cop (1996)

Tri-Star (1996)
Hunting Evil Spirit (1993)
Hunting Evil Spirit (1999)

Hunting Evil Spirit (1999)

My Kung Fu Sweetheart (2006)

I Love Wing Chun (2011)

Black Comedy (2014)