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張堅庭  ♂
Alfred Cheung Kin-Ting

Her Fatal Ways 3 (1992)

Her Fatal Ways II (1991)

Her Fatal Ways (1990)

Changing Partner (1992)

The Bachelor's Swan Song (1989)

The Contract Lover (2007)

Let's Make Laugh II (1985)

Hero of the Beggars (1992)

3 Days of a Blind Girl (1993)
Perfect Education 3 (2002)
Perfect Education 3 (2002)

Golden Chicken (2002)
Alfred Cheung<br>13th Hong Kong Film Awards (1994)

The Medallion (2003)

Prince Charming (1984)

The Flying Mr. B (1985)

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (1983)

The Accidental Spy (2001)

Playboy Doctor (1984)

One Husband Too Many (1988)

Queen's Bench III (1990)

Lucky Stars Go Places (1986)

Last Eunuch in China (1987)

Paper Marriage (1988)

Pedicab Driver (1989)

Twinkle Twinkle Lucky Stars (1985)

Goodbye Mammie (1986)

Rose (1986)

Pom Pom and Hot Hot (1992)

Angel's Mission (1989)

All of a Sudden (1996)

Freedom Run Q (1992)

Profiles of Pleasure (1988)

Alien Wife (1991)

It's Now or Never (1992)

The Twin Dragons (1992)

72 Tenants of Prosperity (2010)

The Nocturnal Demon (1990)

Dances with Dragon (1991)

Where's Officer Tuba? (1986)

I Love Hong Kong (2011)

I Love Hong Kong 2012 (2012)

Z Storm (2014)

Summer Lover (1992)

Spooky, Spooky (1988)

Big Brother (2018)

Little Cop (1989)

No Problem (1999)

Shark Busters (2002)

Mr. Virgin (1984)

The Twin Dragons (1992)
Alfred Cheung<br>Till Death Shall We Start (1990)
Till Death Shall We Start (1990)

Hero of the Beggars (1992)

The Nocturnal Demon (1990)

The Nocturnal Demon (1990)

The Nocturnal Demon (1990)

Fate Fighter (2003)

In the Blood (1988)

It's Now or Never (1992)

The Nocturnal Demon (1990)

Spooky, Spooky (1988)

One Husband Too Many (1988)

Star Runner (2003)

Her Fatal Ways (1990)

Dances with Dragon (1991)

Dances with Dragon (1991)

Her Fatal Ways (1990)

Summer Lover (1992)

Summer Lover (1992)

Her Fatal Ways II (1991)

Her Fatal Ways II (1991)

Her Fatal Ways II (1991)

Her Fatal Ways 3 (1992)

Her Fatal Ways 3 (1992)

Hero of the Beggars (1992)

Freedom Run Q (1992)

Behind the Yellow Line (1984)