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楊誠  ♂
Yang Sheng

They All Want a Baby (1956)

The Wedding Night (1956)

Husband Hunters (1958)

Rendezvous (1960)

The Girl from Phnom Penh (1963)

Garden of Repose (1964)

Emperor Takes a Holiday (1965)

The Forest Riders (1965)

The Jade Bow (1966)

Wife on Trial (1966)

The Cricket and the King (1966)

Embroidered Scarf (1966)

The Adventures of "I-have-come" (1966)

The Painted Skin (1966)

Adventures of a Scholar (1967)

I Have Come Again (1968)

Oh, the Spring's Here! (1968)

The Weekend Adventures (1968)

The Village of Crouching Tigers (1969)

The Golden Age (1969)

The River Dragon (1970)

Three Seventeens (1972)

The Flaming Bulwark of Miao (1973)

The Red Tasseled Sword (1975)

The Heroic Defenders (1978)