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施思  ♀
Shih Szu

The Crimson Charm (1971)

The Rescue (1971)

The Lady Hermit (1971)

Heroes of Sung (1971)

Lady of the Law (1971)

The Thunderbolt Fist (1972)

The Young Avenger (1972)

The Black Tavern (1972)

Trilogy of Swordsmanship (1972)

Tales of Larceny (1973)

The Champion (1973)

The Bloody Escape (1973)

Supermen Against the Orient (1974)

The Warrant (1974)

The Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires (1974)

Lover's Destiny (1975)

Marco Polo (1975)

The Criminals (1976)

Shaolin Temple (1976)

Pursuit of Vengeance (1977)

The Naval Commandos (1977)

Jade Tiger (1977)

Clan of Amazons (1978)

The Third Sword (1978)

The Proud Youth (1978)

The Avenging Eagle (1978)

A Massacre Survivor (1979)

The Deadly Breaking Sword (1979)

A Deadly Secret (1980)

Keep Out Of Danger (1980)

The King of Gambler (1981)

Dirty Angel (1982)

Miraculous Sword Art (1982)

(Original image uploaded by Heinz Germany)
A Fairy to the World  (1982)

Sweet Vengeance (1982)

Chinese Evil Technique (1985)

The Revenge Ghost of the Tree (1988)