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莊思敏  ♀
Jacqueline Chong Si-Man

Dragon Reloaded (2005)
Jacquelin Chong Si-Man<br>My Wife is a Gambling Maestro
My Wife Is a Gambling Maestro (2008)

MicroSex Office (2011)

Hong Kong Ghost Stories (2011)

Stay Curious (2013)

Iceman 3D (2013)

Black Comedy (2014)

Anniversary (2015)

S for Sex, S for Secret (2015)

Return of the Cuckoo (2015)

An Inspector Calls (2015)

L for Love, L for Lies Too (2016)

From Vegas to Macau 3 (2016)

Special Female Force (2016)

My Wife Is a Superstar (2016)

PG Love (2016)

Dealer/Healer (2017)

The Sinking City - Capsule Odyssey (2017)

Lucky Fat Man (2017)

Iceman: The Time Traveler (2018)

Men on the Dragon (2018)

A Beautiful Moment (2018)

A Lifetime Treasure (2019)

Chasing the Dragon II: Wild Wild Bunch (2019)

You Are the One (2020)

The Calling of a Bus Driver (2020)

The Brotherhood of Rebel (2023)