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李振榮  ♂
Lee Jin-Yeong

Return of the Scorpion (1980)
Kai's fighter
Twelve Gates to Hell (1980)

Eagle vs. Silver Fox (1980)

Revenge of Drunken Master (1981)

Duel of the Tough (1981)

The Gwoi-Cho Guru (1981)

Raiders of Buddhist Kung Fu (1981)

Dragon Lee Fights Again (1981)

The Drunken Monk (1981)

Hitman in the Hand of Buddha (1981)

Hard Bastard (1981)

Leopard Fist Ninja (1982)

Secret Ninja, Roaring Tiger (1982)
Snake Gang member
My Name Is 'Twin Legs' (1982)

Secret Executioners (1982)

Woman's Martial Arts (1982)

Duel of Ultimate Weapons (1983)

Kwangdong Viper (1983)

Shaolin Drunk Fighter (1983)

Wild Panther (1984)

Shaolin - The Blood Mission (1984)

Ninja Operation 5: Godfather the Master (1986)

Ninja Champion (1986)

Full Metal Ninja (1988)