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Yvonne Yung Hung

The Iron Butterfly (1989)

Dances with Dragon (1991)

Freedom Run Q (1992)

Can't Stop My Crazy Love for You (1993)

My Pale Lover (1993)

A Chinese Torture Chamber Story (1994)

Drunken Master II (1994)

Sex and the Emperor (1994)

Erotic Hero Tale (1994)

The Tragic Fantasy - Tiger of Wanchai (1994)

The Wild Lovers (1994)

Bloody Brothers (1994)

Lover of the Last Empress (1995)

Don't Give a Damn (1995)
Spike Drink Gang (1995)
Spike Drink Gang (1995)

Naughty Boys & Soldiers (1996)

Jail in Burning Island (1997)

Nightmare Zone (1998)

Roller Blade Killer (1998)

Exodus from Afar (1998)