[English] [中文] [中英文]
語言顯示 : 中英文
石堅  ♂
Sek Kin
拼音: shí jiān
Sek Gin,  Shih Kien,  Sheck Kin,  Shih Chien,  Shieh Kien,  Shek Kin,  Kien Shih,  Siak Kin,  Shih Kin

影視作品 / Filmography (1940-2004)
  製片 / Production Manager
    滿堂吉慶 / All Are Happy (1964)    
  武術顧問 / Martial Arts Consultant
    獅吼 / The Roaring Lion (1972)    
    隱俠恩仇錄 / The Mysterious Heroes (1977)    
  演員 / Actor (1940-2004)
    血海花 / Flower in a Sea of Blood (1940) ... / Japanese spy [intro]
    地久天長 / Everlasting Love (1940)    
    第一號戰犯 / War Criminal No. 1 (1947)    
    怪俠獨眼龍 / One-Eye Dragon, the Strange Hero (1947)    
    烽火漁村 / Fishing Village in the War (1948)    
    歸來燕 / Return of the Swallows (1948) ... 經紀乙 / Broker
    四代同堂 / Four Generations in One House (1948)    
    香港殺人王 / Hong Kong King of Murderers (1948) ... 老人/小王 / Old man
    血染霓裳 / Bloody Cloth (1948)    
    銅鎚俠大戰九花娘 / Big Fight between Hero Copper and Madame Nine Flowers (1948) ... 桑仲 / Song Chung
    七劍十三俠 (三集) / Thirteen Heroes with Seven Swords (Part 3) (1949)    
    黃飛鴻傳(上集) / The Story of Wong Fei-Hung (Part 1) (1949) ... 白頭甫 / Grey Hair Fu
    紅蝴蝶大戰採花賊 / Between the Suited and the Suitor (1949) ... 洪紀明 / Hung Kei-Ming
    黃飛鴻傳(下集大結局) / The Story of Wong Fei-Hung (Part 2) (1949) ... 白頭甫 / Gray Hair Fu
    蜀山劍俠 / Swordsman of Shu Mountain (1949)    
    方世玉胡惠乾三探武當山 / Fang Shiyu and Wu Weiqian's Three Attemps at Wudang Mountain (1949)    
    迫虎跳牆 / No More Retreat (1949) ... 程父 / Ching's father
    紅孩兒大戰五龍公主 / The Big Fight between Red Kid and Five Dragon Princess (1949)    
    珠聯璧合 / Perfect Together (1949) ... 郭子洪 / Kwok Tsi-Hung
    小俠艾虎 / The Junior Hero, Ai Hu (1949)    
    李元霸 / Lee Yuen-Ba (1949)    
    滿江紅 / For My Country (1949) ... 黃仲豪 / Wong Chung-Ho
    方世玉夷戰峨眉山 / Fang Shiyu's Nine Battles at Emei Hill (1949)    
    洪熙官血濺柳家村 / Hung Hei-Kun's Big Brawl at the Lau Village (1949)    
    哪�饡鬗s收七怪 / Nazha Conquered the Seven Devils at Mei Hill (1949) ... 白猿精 / White Gorilla Spirit
    方世玉萬里報師仇 / Fong Sai-Yuk's Revenge (1949)    
    方世玉火燒紅雲寺 / Feng Shiyu Burned the Red Cloud Temple (1949)    
    三盜九龍盃 / Three Attempts at the Nine Dragon Cup (1949)    
    大破銅網陣 / Solving the Copper-netted Trap (1950)    
    火燒紅蓮寺 / The Burning of Red Lotus Monastery (1950)    
    少林七俠五探峨嵋山(下集大結局) / Seven Shaolin Heroes' Five Ventures into Mount Emei (Part 2) (1950) ... 白眉道人 / Taoist White Brow
    濟公三氣華雲龍 / How the Monk Chai Kung Thrice Insulted Wah Wan-Lung (1950)    
    江南八大劍俠 / Eight Swordsmen of Jiangnan (1950)    
    崑崙女俠血戰燕子盜 / The Battle Between the Heroines from Kunlun and the Swallow Thief (1950)    
    小羅賓漢 / Robin Hood, Junior (1950)    
    大刀王五血戰小霸王 / The Bloody Fight Between Big Blade Wong Fifth and the Invincible Kid (1950)    
    薛仁貴血戰柳家莊 / Xue Rengui's Bloody Battle at Liu Village (1950)    
    白楊紅淚 / White Poplar, Red Tears (1950)    
    真假方世玉 / Fang Shiyu and His Impersonator (1950)    
    崑崙女俠夜探摩天嶺 / The Heroine from Kunlun Spies On Mo Tin Peak At NightF (1950)    
    武潘安大鬧三門街 / The Handsome Hero's Brawl in Sanmen Street (1950)    
    荒江女俠(一集) / The Heroine (Part 1) (1950)    
    方世玉父子報血仇 / Fang Shiyu and His Father's Revenge (1950) ... 雷小鵬 / Lui Siu-Pang
    古寺殭屍 / Walking Corpse of an Old Temple (1950)    
    夜半鐘聲 / Midnight Bells (1950)    
    桃花俠夜探青龍潭 / Peach-Blossom Hero Spies on Poisonous Dragon Swamp by Night (1950)    
    馬騮精大鬧女兒國 / Monkey's Adventures in the Girls' Kingdom (1950)    
    少林七俠五探峨嵋山(上集) / Seven Shaolin Heroes' Five Ventures into Mount Emei (Part 1) (1950) ... 白眉道人 / Taoist White Brow
    火燒少林寺 / How Shaolin Monastery Was Reduced to Ashes (1950)    
    豪門棄婦 / The Abandoned Woman of a Rich Family (1950)    
    紅娘子 / Red Lady (1950)    
    珠江淚 / Tragedy on the Pearl River (1950)    
    劈山救母 / Striking a Mountain Asunder to Rescue Mother (1950)    
    荒江女俠(二集) / The Heroine (Part 2) (1950)    
    方世玉大破白蓮教 / How Fong Sai-Yuk Shattered the White Lotus Gang (1950)    
    井底冤魂 / The Misjudged Spirit in the Well (1950)    
    方世玉血戰陰陽洞 / Fong Sai-Yuk in a Bloody Battle in Ying Yang Cave (1950) ... 白眉道人 / White Brow
    黃飛鴻傳(大結局) / The Story of Wong Fei-Hung (Part 5) (1951)    
    哪吒爭奪聚寶盆 / Na Zha and the Pot of Treasure (1951) ... 周國權 / Chow Kwok-Kuen
    靚仔玉三打下山虎 / Handsome Yu Thrice Beats the Tiger (1951)    
    女俠黑牡丹 / Black Peony, the Heroine (1951)    
    泣殘紅 / Weep for the Fallen Petals (1951)    
    三打祝家莊(上集) / The Three Sieges of Zhu Village (Part 1) (1951) ... 祝大公子 / Chuk Lung
    小五義 / Five Little Heroes (1951)    
    三打祝家莊(下集) / The Three Sieges of Zhu Village (Part 2) (1951) ... / Chuk Lung
    寶劍明珠 / The Sword and the Pearl (1951) ... 宰相 / Prime minister
    原子飛劍俠 / The Magical Flying Swordsman (1951)    
    雷電追風劍 / The Lightning Sword (1951)    
    方世玉遠征巨靈峰 / Fang Shiyu's Invasion of Juling Peak (1951)    
    大刀王五浴血殲仇記 / Big Sword Wang Wu's Revenge (1951)    
    白俠白旋風 / White Whirlwind, the Heroine (1951)    
    紅俠 / The Scarlet Hero (1951)    
    無敵連環鏢 / Darts of Fury (1951)    
    紅衣女俠 / Heroine in Red (1951)    
    一帆風順 / Sail on to Success (1951) ... 路建平 / Lo Kin-Ping
    孽債 / Love's Misgivings (1951) ... 陸父 / Siu-Ching's father
    憐我憐卿 / Mutual Affections (1951)    
    楊乃武與小白菜(大結局) / Yeung Nai-mo and Little Cabbage: The Trial of Yeung Nai-mo (1952)    
    二八嬌妻一歲郎 / How a Sixteen-year-old Girl Married a One-year-old Husband (1952)    
    女俠白蓮花 / White Lotus, the Heroine (1952)    
    歌唱光緒王嘆五更 / Emperor Guang Xu's Nocturnal Lament (1952)    
    一丈紅 / Girl in Red (1952)    
    綠林紅粉 / The Beautiful Bandit (1952)    
    浩劫紅顏 / Her Perilous Adventures (1952)    
    大破黑風寨 / The Breaching of Black Wind Stockade (1952)    
    黃飛鴻血染芙蓉谷 / Huang Feihong's Battle in Furong Valley (1952)    
    驚魂花燭夜 / Terror on Wedding Eve (1952)    
    神腿大俠 / The Powerful-leg Hero (1952)    
    真假歐陽德 / Ouying De and His Double (1952)    
    女少爺 / Girl Who Plays Young Master (1952)    
    楊乃武與小白菜 / Yang Naiwu and Xiao Baicai (1952)    
    / Spring (1953) ... 高克明 / Ko Hak Ming
    蘇乞兒復仇記 / Revenge of Beggar Named Su (1953)    
    黃飛鴻義救海幢寺(上集) / How Huang Feihong Redeemed Haitong Monastery (Part 1) (1953)    
    血戰摩天嶺 / The Battle of the Peaks Part 1 (1953)    
    雌虎大破清真寺 / The Heroine's Conquest of the Mosque (1953)    
    血戰摩天嶺續集大結局 / The Battle of the Peaks Part 2 (1953)    
    新荒江奇俠 / Hero of Deserted River (1953)    
    俠士名花 / The Swordsman and the Beauty (1953)    
    攝青鬼 / A Ghostly Tale (1953)    
    風流天子 / Playboy Emperor (1953)    
    黃飛鴻一棍伏三霸 / How Wong Fei-Hung Defeated Three Bullies with a Rod (1953)    
    搖山奪艷記 / The Beautiful Girl of Yao Mountian (1953)    
    / Family (1953) ... / Ko Hak Ming
    明月冰心 / Her Pure Heart (1953)    
    代代平安 / Peace to All Generations (1953)    
    黃飛鴻義救海幢寺(下集) / How Huang Feihong Redeemed Haitong Monastery (Part 2) (1953)    
    夜渡鴛鴦江 / Crossing Yuanyang River by Night (1953)    
    / Autumn (1954) ... / Ko Hak Ming
    黃飛鴻初試無影腳 / Wong Fei-Hung Tries His Shadowless Kick (1954)    
    鐵橋三義救穿雲燕 / Vindication (1954)    
    紅船鬼影 / The Phantom of the Opera Boat (1954)    
    黃飛鴻與林世榮 / The Story of Wong Fei-Hung and Lam Sai-Wing (1954) ... 雷公祥 / Lui Kung-cheung
    檳城艷 / Pretty Girl from Kuala Lumpur (1954)    
    黃飛鴻初試無影腳 / Wong Fei-Hung Tries His Shadowless Kick (1954)    
    香銷十二美人樓 / When Beauty Fades from the Twelve Ladies' Bower (1954)    
    / Autumn (1954) ... / 3rd Uncle
    人隔萬重山 / The Hills Divide Us (1954)    
    杜鵑魂 / A Cuckoo's Spirit (1954) ... 白承義 / Pak Sing-Yee
    情賊沙三少 / Third-master Sha, the Heart-Stealer (1954)    
    程大嫂 / Mrs. Cheng (1954)    
    南海拳王 / The Boxer of Nanhai (1954)    
    改期結婚 / The Postponed Wedding (1954)    
    甘鳳池與呂四娘 / The Story of Kam Fung-Chi and Fourth Miss Lu (1955) ... 四太子 / Fourth Crown Prince
    桃李滿天下 / A Teacher's Reward (1955)    
    梁寬與林世榮 / The Story of Liang Kuan and Lin Shirong (1955) ... 吳大鵬 / Ng Tai-pang
    天長地久 / Everlasting Love (1955)    
    黃飛鴻正傳 / The True Story of Wong Fei-Hung (1955) ... 鐵彈李 / Iron-Pellet Lee
    八俠英雄傳 / The Brave Eight (1955)    
    後窗 / Backyard Adventures (1955) ... / Fitness teacher
    婦道 / The Wife's Way (1955)    
    下一代 / The Next Generation (1955) ... 祝自豪 / Chuk Chi-Ho
    黃飛鴻威震四牌樓 / Wong Fei-Hung's Victory at Fourth Gate (1955) ... 孫崑崙 / Suen Kwan-lun
    鐵馬騮別傳(續集) / Story of Iron Monkey, The Sequel (1955)    
    雪姑七友 / Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs (1955)    
    鐵馬騮 / Iron-Monkey (1955)    
    鐵馬騮別傳(大結局) / Story of Iron Monkey, The Concluding Episode (1955)    
    血洗少林刀 / The Blood-Stained Swords of Shaolin (1955)    
    黃飛鴻花地搶炮 / Wong Fei-Hung's Rival for the Fireworks (1955) ... 孫崑崙 / Suen Kwan-lun
    長生塔 / The Pagoda of Long Life (1955) ... 鄭南山 / Cheng Nam-Shan
    愛(下集) / Love (Part 2) (1955)    
    午夜屍變 / The Dead Comes Alive (1955) ... 汪柏萬 / Wong Pak-Man
    黃飛鴻長堤殲霸 / How Wong Fei-Hung Vanquished the Bully at a Long Dike (1955)    
    女俠響尾追魂鏢 / The Heroine of Deadly Darts (1956)    
    大地回春 / Spring Comes Back (1956)    
    霧美人 / Beauty in the Mist (1956)    
    黃飛鴻紅船殲霸 / How Wong Fei-Hung Vanquished the Bully at the Red Opera Float (1956) ... 田虎 / Tin Fu
    黃飛鴻橫掃小北江 / Wong Fei-Hung's Victory in Xiao Beijiang (1956) ... 張本 / Cheung Boon
    黃飛鴻沙面伏神犬 / How Wong Fei-Hung Vanquished the Ferocious Dog in Shamian (1956) ... 大粒墨 / Big Mole Mak/Tai Lap Mak
    黃飛鴻水底三擒蘇鼠廉 / How Wong Fei-Hung Thrice Captured So Shu-Lim in the Water (1956) ... 老鼠德 / Rat Tak
    黃飛鴻三戲女鏢師 / How Wong Fei-Hung Thrice Tricked the Lady Security Escort (1956) ... 白額虎 / White-Forehead Tiger
    黃飛鴻龍舟奪錦 / Wong Fei-Hung Wins the Dragon Boat Race (1956) ... 大懵炳 / Scatterbrain Bing
    鐵砂掌三會鷹爪王 / Iron-Palm Versus Eagle-Claw (1956)    
    黃飛鴻鐵雞鬥蜈蚣 / Wong Fei-Hung's Story: Iron Cock against Centipede (1956) ... 馮老牛 / Fung Lo-Ngau
    方世玉義救洪熙官 / Fang Shiyu Comes to Hong Xiguan's Rescue (1956) ... / Third Master Lee
    黃飛鴻義救賣魚燦 / Wong Fei-Hung Rescues the Fishmonger (1956) ... 豆腐興 / Bean Curd Hing
    黃飛鴻義救龍母廟 / How Wong Fei-Hung Saved the Dragon's Mother's Temple (1956) ... 牛王彪 / Bully Biu
    黃飛鴻獨臂鬥五龍 / How Wong Fei-Hung Fought Five Dragons Single-handedly (1956) ... 獨角龍 / Dragon
    女俠俞金鳳 / The Heroine Yu Kam-Fung (1956)    
    白鶴英雄傳 / The White Crane Heroes (1956)    
    黃飛鴻七獅會金龍 / How Wong Fei-Hung Pitted Seven Lions Against the Gold Dragon (1956) ... / Wu Bak-Chuen
    黃飛鴻大鬧花燈 / Wong Fei-Hung and the Lantern Festival Disturbance (1956) ... 郭鴻彪 / Kwok Hung-Biu
    虎將奪王妃 / The Princess Is Kidnapped (1956)    
    黃飛鴻醒狷會麒麟 / How Wong Fei-Hung Pitted a Lion Against the Unicorn (1956) ... 石橫 / Sek Wang
    黃飛鴻大戰雙門底 / Wong Fei-Hung's Battle at Shuangmendi (1956) ... 辛子彤 / Sun Tsi-Tung
    黃飛鴻伏二虎 / How Wong Fei-Hung Subdued the Two Tigers (1956) ... 楊飛虎 / Flying Tiger Yeung
    崑崙奴夜盜紅綃 / The Kunlun Girl Steals the Red Scarf by Night (1956)    
    黃飛鴻官山大賀壽 / Wong Fei-Hung Goes to a Birthday Party at Guanshan (1956) ... 程天松 / Ching Tien-Chung, Flying Spider
    黃飛鴻花艇風雲 / Wong Fei-Hung and the Courtesan's Boat Argument (1956) ... 尤大朔 / Yau Tai-Sok
    黃飛鴻火燒大沙頭 / How Wong Fei-Hung Set Fire to Dashatou (1956) ... 醉貓昌 / Drunkard Cheong
    黃飛鴻怒吞十二獅 / How Wong Fei-Hung Vanquished the Twelve Lions (1956) ... 彭其 / Pang Kei
    碧血恩仇萬古情 / Love and Hate (1956)    
    黃飛鴻大鬧佛山 / Wong Fei-Hung's Fight in Foshan (1956) ... 鬍鬚容 / Bearded Yung
    黃飛鴻古寺救情僧 / How Wong Fei-Hung Saved the Lovelorn Monk from the Ancient Monastery (1956)    
    黃飛鴻擂台比武 / Wong Fei-Hung at a Boxing Match (1956) ... 牛精洪 / Bully Hung
    勾魂使者 / The Soul Stealer (1956) ... 裘必中 / Kau Bit-Chung
    黃飛鴻天后廟進香 / Wong Fei-Hung's Pilgrimage to Goddess of the Sea Temple (1956) ... 大石古 / Tai Sek Koo
    橫霸七省勝字旗 / The Flag Which Conquered 7 Provinces (1957)    
    黃飛鴻二龍爭珠 / Wong Fei-Hung's Rival for a Pearl (1957) ... 鬍鬚洪 / Bearded Hung
    女俠紅蝴蝶 / Red Butterfly the Heroine (1957)    
    風火鬼頭刀 / Devil's Sword (1957)    
    七劍十三俠 (上集) / Seven Swordsmen and Thirteen Knights, Part One (1957)    
    黃飛鴻血濺姑婆屋 / How Wong Fei-Hung Fought a Bloody Battle in the Spinster's Home (1957) ... / Crooked-Nose Biu
    哪吒大鬧天宮 / Nazha's Adventures in the Heavenly Palace (1957)    
    黃飛鴻大破飛刀黨 / How Wong Fei-Hung Smashed the Flying Dagger Gang (1957) ... 阮耀南 / Yuen Yiu-Nam
    黃飛鴻喋血馬鞍山 / Wong Fei-Hung's Battle at Saddle Hill (1957) ... 李龍 / Lee Lung
    黃飛鴻夜探黑龍山 / How Wong Fei-Hung Spied on Black Dragon Hill at Night (1957) ... 喧木 / Huen Muk
    關公千里送嫂 / General Guan Escorts His Brother's Wife on a 1,000 Mile Journey (1957)    
    南海拳王夜盜梅花馬 / How the Boxer from Nanhai Stole the Dappled Horse at Night (1957)    
    魚腸劍 / The Hidden Dagger (1957)    
    哪�躨x東海 / Nazha's Adventures in the East Sea (1957)    
    胭脂馬三鬥黃飛鴻 / Wong Fei-Hung's Three Battles with the Unruly Girl (1957)    
    黃飛鴻獅王爭霸 / Wong Fei-Hung, King of Lion Dance (1957) ... 爛頭蟀 / Lan To-Suet
    水滸傳:知取生辰綱 / Taking the Birthday Gifts Caravan by Strategy (1957)    
    黃飛鴻河南浴血戰 / Wong Fei-Hung's Fight in He'nan (1957) ... 鐵柺李 / Tit Kwei Lee
    碧血劍 / Sword of Blood and Valour (1958)    
    黃飛鴻大破馬家莊 / Wong Fei-Hung's Victory at Ma Village (1958) ... 馬如虎 / Ma Yu-Fu
    奸情 / Adultery (1958) ... 劉伯昌 / Old Master Lau
    方世玉三打乾隆皇 / Fang Shiyu's Three Attacks on Emperor Qianlong (1958)    
    獅王梁肉搏猛虎坑 / Lion King, Liang Kuan's Big Fight at Tiger Valley (1958)    
    方世玉怒打乾隆皇 / Fang Shiyu Attacks Emperor Qianlong in Fury (1958)    
    第七號司機 / Driver No. 7 (1958) ... / Ba Bai Sum
    黃飛鴻大破金鐘罩 / How Wong Fei-Hung Subdued the Invincible Armour (1958) ... 上元道長 / Taoist Sheung Yuen
    射鵰英雄傳 / Story of the Vulture Conqueror (1958)    
    黃飛鴻龍爭虎鬥 / Wong Fei-Hung's Fierce Battle (1958)    
    黃飛鴻五毒鬥雙龍 / Wong Fei-Hung's Story: Five Poisonous Devils Against Twin Dragons (1958) ... 鬍鬚洪 / Bearded Hung
    黃飛鴻擂台鬥三虎 / Wong Fei-Hung's Battle with the Five Tigers in the Boxing Ring (1958) ... 穿山虎 / One of the Five Tigers
    賊王子(續集) / Prince of Thieves (The Sequel) (1958)    
    黃飛鴻西關搶新娘 / Wong Fei-Hung Seizes the Bride at Xiguan (1958)    
    黃飛鴻虎穴救梁寬 / Wong Fei-Hung Saves the Kidnapped Leung Foon (1958) ... 馬如虎 / Ma Yu-Fu
    黃飛鴻鐵雞鬥神鷹 / How Wong Fei-Hung Pitted an Iron Cock Against the Eagle (1958) ... 衡山鷹 / Hengshan Eagle
    黃飛鴻大鬧鳳凰崗 / How Wong Fei-Hung Stormed Phoenix Hill (1958) ... 張大龍 / Cheung Tai-Lung
    黃飛鴻夫妻除三害 / How Wong Fei-Hung and Wife Eradicated the Three Rascals (1958)    
    / The Road (1959) ... / Lui Tai-Hon
    無兵司令 / General Without an Army (1959) ... 劉大牛 / Lau Tai-Ngau
    三盜九龍杯 / Three Attempts to Steal the Cup of the Nine Dragons (1959) ... 竇爾墩 / Dau Yee-Dun
    白髮魔女傳(大結局) / Story of the White-Haired Demon Girl (Grand Finale) (1959)    
    白髮魔女傳(下集) / Story of the White-Haired Demon Girl (Part 2) (1959)    
    七劍下天山 / Seven Swordsman Leave Tianshan (1959)    
    射鵰英雄傳(二集) / Story of the Vulture-Conqueror (Part 2) (1959)    
    白髮魔女傳(上集) / Story of the White-Haired Demon Girl (Part 1) (1959)    
    黃飛鴻戲棚伏虎 / How Wong Fei-Hung Defeated the Tiger on the Opera Stage (1959) ... 楊飛虎 / Yeung Fei-Fu ('Flying Tiger')
    黃飛鴻被困黑地獄 / Wong Fei-Hung Trapped in Hell (1959) ... 馬如虎 / Ma Yu-Fu
    猩猩王大鬧天宮 / King Kong's Adventures in the Heavely Palace (1959)    
    黃飛鴻義貫彩虹橋 / Wong Fei-Hung on Rainbow Bridge (1959) ... 金士奇 / Kam Si-Kei
    火葬爛頭何 / The Rascal He on Fire (1959)    
    方世玉血戰乾坤罩 / Fang Shiyu's Bloody Battle with the Net of Dual Forces (1959)    
    大破銅網陣 / Shattering the Copper Net Array (1959)    
    七俠五義夜探�}霄樓 / Seven Heroes Spy on Chongxiao Bower (1959)    
    十兄弟 / Ten Brothers (1959) ... / Commander-in-chief
    碧血劍(下集) / Sword of Blood and Valour (Part 2) (1959)    
    書劍恩仇錄(上集) / The Book and the Sword (Part 1) (1960)    
    鐵臂拳王 / Iron Arms and the Boxer (1960)    
    神鵰俠侶 / The Story of the Great Heroes (Part 1) (1960)    
    小俠紅蝴蝶 / Little Warrior in Red Butterfly (Part 1) (1960)    
    雲台十八劍 / Swordsmen of Mount Win Tai (1960)    
    最後五分鐘 / The Last Five Minutes (1960)    
    黃飛鴻擂台爭霸戰 / Wong Fei-Hung's Combat in the Boxing Ring (1960) ... 楊飛虎 / Tiger Yeung
    雪峰魔女 / The Snow Peak Nymph (1960) ... 紀大虎 / Tiger Kei
    公寓謀殺案 / Apartment Murder (1960) ... 嚴大雄 / Yim Tai-Hung
    黃飛鴻大戰猩猩王 / Wong Fei-Hung's Battle with the Gorilla (1960) ... 王德軒 / Wong Fuk-Hin
    阿里巴巴與四十大盜 / Ali Baba and the 40 Robbers (1960) ... 大盜首領 / Great Thieves leader
    秘密三女探 / Wong An Vs. the Flying Tigers (1960) ... 龍師爺 / Lung
    神童靈犬擒兇記 / The Wonder Boy (1960)    
    女飛俠黃鶯巧破鑽石黨 / The Story of Wong Ang the Heroine (1960) ... 趙二江 / Chiu Yee-Kong
    江湖三女俠(上集) / The Three Girl Fighters (Part 1) (1960)    
    五毒白骨鞭 / The Deadly Whip of Bones (1960) ... 紀大虎 / Tiger Kei
    書劍恩仇錄(大結局) / The Book and the Sword (Part 2) (1960)    
    十兄弟怒海除魔 / The Ten Brothers Vs. the Sea Monster (1960) ... / Commander
    神鵰俠侶下集 / The Story of the Great Heroes (Part 2) (1960)    
    活骷髏浴血五仙觀 / The Attack of the Five Fairies Monastery (1961)    
    仙笛神龍(上集) / Ingenious Fluter (Part 1) (1961) ... 翻海蛟龍-胡聞浪 / Wu Man-Long
    崑崙七劍鬥五龍 / Combat Between Seven Swords and Five Dragons (1961)    
    仙笛神龍(下集) / Ingenious Fluter (Part 2) (1961) ... 翻海蛟龍胡聞浪 / Wu Man-Long
    龍鳳劍(下集) / Twin Swords (Part 2) (1961)    
    十八追魂劍 / Wonderful Handkerchief (1961)    
    小俠紅蝴蝶(下集) / The Warrior in Red Butterfly (Part 2) (1961)    
    鴛鴦刀(上集) / Twin Swords (Part 1) (1961)    
    神鵰俠侶(三集) / The Story of the Great Heroes (Part 3) (1961)    
    天下第一劍(上集) / Sword of Vengeance (Part 1) (1961)    
    青龍鎮殲霸戰 / Killing of the Villains (1961) ... 彭進 / Pang Chun
    鴛鴦刀(下集) / Twin Swords (Part 2) (1961)    
    崑崙三女俠夜盜香魂帕 / Nocturnal Mission of Three Kunlun Swordswomen (1961)    
    武林十三劍(上集) / Thirteen Swords (Part 1) (1961) ... 金羅漢 / Golden Arahat
    金刀奇俠 / Showdown at Ching-seng Hill (1961)    
    武林十三劍(下集) / Thirteen Swords (Part 2) (1961) ... / Golden Arahat
    丹鳳屠龍劍 / Killing Dragon Sword (1961)    
    神拳鐵扇子 / The Invincible Iron Fan (1961)    
    俠侶恩仇 / Revenge and Gratitude (1961)    
    義犬神童 / The Prodigious Child and Her Loyal Dog (1961) ... 雷黑風 / Lui Hak-Fung
    天山龍鳳劍(下集) / The Swords of Tien Shan (Part 2) (1961) ... 紀晨功 / Kei Sun-Kung
    魔犬追兇 / Hound Murderer Case (1961) ... 喬一甫 / Kiu Yat-Po
    天山龍鳳劍(上集) / The Swords of Tien Shan (Part 1) (1961) ... 紀晨功 / Kei Sun-Kung
    五嶽英雄傳 / Heroes of the Five Sacred Mountains (1961)    
    步步驚魂 / Intense Moment (1961) ... 周志剛 / Chow Chi-Kong
    神鵰俠侶(四集) / The Story of the Great Heroes (Part 4) (1961)    
    救出重圍 / The Breakthrough (1961)    
    龍鳳劍(上集) / Twin Swords (Part 1) (1961) ... 盧鷹 / Lo Ying
    紅巾女俠 / Heroine with a Red Scarf (1961)    
    黃飛源大破五虎陣 / How Wong Fei-Hung Smashed the Five Tigers (1961) ... 楊飛虎/王德軒 / So Chan
    七劍震江湖 / Seven Swords Shock the World (1962) ... 採花蜂 / Nectar-collecting Bee
    神偷情賊(下集) / Love Is What I Steal (Part 2) (1962) ... / Fook Tai Ho
    蛇女飛魔 / The Snake-girl and the Flying Monster (1962)    
    劍影恩仇錄 / Story of the Sword (1962)    
    神偷情賊(上集) / Love Is What I Steal (Part 1) (1962) ... / Tai Ho
    關東大俠白骨潭奪寶記 / The Hero of Guangdong's Treasure-hunt (1962)    
    仙鶴神針新傳(上集) / The New Tale of the Flying Crane (Part 1) (1962) ... / Lau Tak-Biu
    峨嵋三劍俠 / 3 Swordsmen from Emei (1962)    
    天山神俠 / The Magic Hero of Tian Shan (1962)    
    白骨陰陽劍(上集) / The White-Bone Sword (Part 1) (1962)    
    乳燕驚魂 / Young Sparrow in Fright (1962) ... 史虎 / Sze Fu
    洪宣嬌 / Hung Suen-Kiu (1962)    
    神秘兇殺案 / The Mysterious Murderer (1962) ... / Sze Tak-Yan
    魔鏡神珠(上集) / Magic Mirror, Mythical Pearl (Part 1) (1962) ... 岳正東 / Ngok Ching-Tung
    三劍鬥天魔 / Three Swords and the Sky Monster (1962)    
    黃毛怪人 / The Blonde Hair Monster (1962) ... / Cheung Yan-Lei
    關東第一劍黑虎崖殲仇記 / Duel on the Black Tiger Mountain (1962)    
    雙劍盟(上集) / Crossed Swords (Part 1) (1962)    
    白骨陰陽劍(下集) / The White-Bone Sword (Part 2) (1962)    
    方世玉擂台救母 / Fong Sai-Yuk Rescued His Mother in the Boxing Ring (1962)    
    雙劍盟(大結局) / Crossed Swords (Part 2) (1962)    
    魔鏡神珠(下集) / Magic Mirror, Mythical Pearl (Part 2) (1962) ... 岳正東 / Ngok ChingTung
    魔影驚魂 / The Haunting Shadow (1962)    
    龍虎駝俠傳 / The Haunchback Hero (1962)    
    白猿女三盜寶蓮燈 / How the Ape Girl Stole the Lotus Lamp (1962)    
    浴室飛屍 / Murder in the Bathroom (1962) ... 馬如龍 / Ma Yu-lung
    鐵掌震江南 / The Shadow Boxer (1962)    
    猿女復仇記 / Revenge of the Ape-girl (1963)    
    御貓大戰錦毛鼠 / A Wild Battle (1963)    
    火燒少林寺(下集) / Burning of the Shaolin Temple (Part 2) (1963)    
    奪魂旗(下集) / The Killing Flag (Part 2) (1963) ... 潘午 / Poon Ng
    鐵鴛鴦 / Iron Mandarin Duck (1963)    
    化骨神龍劍 / The Dragon Sword (1963)    
    仙劍神魔(下集) / The Magic Sword (Part 2) (1963)    
    臥虎藏龍 / The Tiger in Hunting (1963)    
    武當七俠 / The Seven Heroes of Wudang Mountain (1963)    
    刀劍緣(下集) / The Blade and the Sword (Part 2) (1963)    
    萬劍之王 / The King of Swords (1963) ... 崆峒老怪 / Old Eccentric of Kongtong
    萬毒金蟬 / The Poisonous Cicada (1963)    
    飛劍神龍 / The Flying Sword (1963)    
    黑蜈蚣 / The Black Centipede (1963) ... 喪門劍-蓋江南 / Koi Kong-nam
    無敵鴛鴦劍 / The Invincible Yuanyang Swords (1963)    
    白骨陰陽劍(三集) / The White-Bone Sword (Part 3) (1963)    
    碧血金釵(下集) / The Golden Hairpin (Part 2) (1963)    
    奪魂旗(上集) / The Killing Flag (Part 1) (1963) ... 潘午 / Pun Ng
    南龍北鳳 / South Dragon, North Phoenix (1963) ... 陸放豪 / Luk Fong-Ho
    火燒少林寺(上集) / Burning of the Shaolin Temple (Part 1) (1963)    
    白骨陰陽劍(四集) / The White-Bone Sword (Part 4) (1963)    
    追魂白骨刀 / The Murderous White-boned Blade (1963)    
    龍虎三女霸(下集) / Three Wild Beauties (Part 2) (1963)    
    怪俠燕子飛 / The Strange Hero 'Flying Swallow' (1963) ... 惡霸周祖基 / Chow Cho-kei
    龍虎三女霸(上集) / Three Wild Beauties (Part 1) (1963)    
    吸血神鞭 / The Magic Whip (1963)    
    豪門怨 / The Unbearable Sorrow (1963) ... 康毅忠 / Hong Ngai-Chung
    倚天屠龍記(下集) / Story of the Sword and the Sabre (Part 2) (1963)    
    碧血金釵(上集) / The Golden Hairpin (Part 1) (1963)    
    倚天屠龍記(上集) / Story of the Sword and the Sabre (Part 1) (1963)    
    仙劍神魔(上集) / The Magic Sword (Part 1) (1963)    
    骨肉恩情 / Flesh and Blood (1963)    
    仙鶴神針新傳(下集) / The New Tale of the Flying Crane (Part 2) (1963)    
    刀劍緣(上集) / The Blade and the Sword (Part 1) (1963)    
    灕江河畔血海仇(上集) / The Big Revenge (Part 1) (1963)    
    半劍一鈴(下集) / Half a Sword (Part 2) (1963)    
    情俠華雲龍 / The Gallant Hua Yunlong (1963)    
    灕江河畔血海仇(下集) / The Big Revenge (Part 2) (1963)    
    魔笊神鞭 / The Claw and the Whip (1963)    
    半劍一鈴(上集) / Half a Sword (Part 1) (1963)    
    鐵雁霜翎(上集) / The Iron Wild Goose (Part 1) (1963)    
    勾魂鬼爪 / The Claws of Horror (1963) ... 胡大勝 / Wu Tai-Sing
    定天神劍 / The Invincible Sword (1963)    
    雷電天仙劍 / A Goddess' Sword (1963) ... / Ma Lui
    魔宮神掌(上集) / Palace of Evil (Part 1) (1964) ... 休申子 / Yau Sun-Tsi
    海底龍吟劍(下集) / The Sword from the Sea (Part 2) (1964)    
    滿堂吉慶 / All Are Happy (1964)    
    白骨離魂針(上集) / The White-boned Pin (Part 1) (1964)    
    七煞掌 / Noxious Palm (1964) ... / Ngai Ngae
    海底龍吟劍(上集) / The Sword from the Sea (Part 1) (1964)    
    女俠脫脫兒(下集) / She's a Musketeer (Part 2) (1964) ... / Purple Sword
    一劍恩仇 / Sword of Justice (1964) ... 戚天彪, 戚如風 / Chik Tin-Biu/Yu-Fung
    女俠脫脫兒(上集) / She's a Musketeer (Part 1) (1964)    
    神龍五虎將 / Five Swordsmen (1964)    
    情至義盡 / I Did My Best (1964) ... 張偉澄 / Cheung Wai-Ching
    武當飛鳳(下集) / The Flying Phoenix from Wudang (Part 2) (1964)    
    雪花神劍(上集) / The Snowflake Sword (Part 1) (1964)    
    武當飛鳳(上集) / The Flying Phoenix from Wudang (Part 1) (1964)    
    南北英雄兒女情 / Heroes' Love (1964) ... 李虎 / Lee Fu
    蘭閨怨婦 / A Lonely Heart (1964)    
    白骨魔鞭 / The Skeleton Whip (1964)    
    碧血金釵大結局 / The Golden Hairpin (Final Episode) (1964)    
    雪花神劍(下集) / The Snowflake Sword (Part 2) (1964)    
    神俠鬧江南 / Musketeers Plundering South Yangtze (1964) ... 余霸天 / Yu Ba-Tin
    紅金龍大戰蝙蝠精 / The Dragon and the Bat (1964)    
    萬變飛狐 / The Flying Fox (1964)    
    情俠情仇 / Romantic Musketeer (1964)    
    霹靂薔薇(下集) / The Tomb of the Roses (Part 2) (1964)    
    碧血金釵(三集大結局) / The Golden Hairpin (Part 3) (1964)    
    七寶金剛劍 / Sword of the Buddha's Warrior (1964)    
    柳葉刀 / The Willow Knife (1964) ... 沖天炮 / Chung Tin-pau
    雪山飛狐(下集) / The Flying Fox in the Snowy Mountains (Part 2) (1964)    
    江湖七虎 / Seven Tigers (1964)    
    雪山飛狐(上集) / The Flying Fox in the Snowy Mountains (Part 1) (1964)    
    洛陽奇俠傳 / The Musketeer from Luoyang (1964)    
    霹靂薔薇(上集) / The Tomb of the Roses (Part 1) (1964)    
    白骨離魂針(下集) / The White-boned Pin (Part 2) (1964)    
    鐵劍朱痕(下集) / The Blood-Smeared Sword of Honour, Part 2 (1965) ... 逍遙子 / 'Carefree'
    如來神掌怒碎萬劍門 / The Furious Buddha's Palm (1965)    
    鐵劍朱痕(上集) / The Blood-Smeared Sword of Honour, Part One (1965)    
    刀劍雙蘭 / Two Swordswomen (1965)    
    荒江三女俠 / Three Lady Musketeers (1965)    
    鬼谷神珠 / A Magic Pearl in a Haunted Valley (1965)    
    紫電神風劍 / Twin Swords (1965)    
    威風十八劍 / Eighteen Powerful Swords (1965) ... 裘千石 / Kau Chin-Sek
    玉女英魂(上集) / A Brave Young Girl's Spirit (Part 1) (1965)    
    八個兇手 / Eight Murderers (1965) ... / Lau Chuen
    無敵神童方世玉 / The Invincible Kid Fong Sai-yuk (1965)    
    神鵰女俠 / The Vulture and the Heroine (1965)    
    南北雙雄 / The Heroic Pair (1965) ... 馬元武 / Boss Ma Yuen-Mo
    六指琴魔(上集) / The Six-fingered Lord of the Lute (Part 1) (1965)    
    魔穴神娃(下集) / Wonder-Girl (Part 2) (1965)    
    特務101 / Agent 101 (1965)    
    魔穴神娃(上集) / Wonder-Girl (Part 1) (1965)    
    玉女英魂(下集) / A Brave Young Girl's Spirit (Part 2) (1965) ... 沈清 / Shum Ching
    簫聲震武林(上集) / The All-powerful Flute (Part 1) (1965)    
    女賊金蝴蝶 / Golden Butterfly, the Lady Thief (1965) ... 莊德明 / Cong Tak-Ming
    鐵金剛海空奪寶 / Treasure Hunt (1965) ... 笑面虎 / Dai Lo/Siu Ming Fu
    無字天書 / Book Without Words (1965)    
    閻王令 / The Decree of Death (1965) ... 白骨大煞 / White-bone Jinx
    簫聲震武林(下集大結局) / The All-powerful Flute (Part 2) (1965)    
    六指琴魔(下集) / The Six-fingered Lord of the Lute (Part 2) (1965)    
    金鼎游龍勾魂令 / The Golden Cup, the Wandering Dragon and the Decree to Kill (1966)    
    一劍情 / Romance of the Sword (1966) ... 石大爺 / Sek's uncle
    女賊黑野貓 / Lady Black Cat (1966) ... 唐龍 / Tong Lung
    真假金蝴蝶 / The Elusive Golden Butterfly (1966) ... 莊德明 / Cong Tak-Ming
    金蝙蝠尋寶復仇 / Return of the Golden Bat (1966)    
    神探智破艷屍案 / The Detective (1966)    
    金蝙蝠 / The Golden Bat (1966)    
    聖火雄風(下集) / Sacred Fire, Heroic Wind (Part 2) (1966) ... 洪震天 / Hung Chen-Tin
    第一號女探員 / Girl Detective 001 (1966)    
    百步迷蹤掌(上集) / The Infatuating Palm (Part 1) (1966)    
    勇特務智破女間諜 / Spy Vs. Spy (1966)    
    聖火雄風(上集) / Sacred Fire, Heroic Wind (Part 1) (1966) ... 丐幫幫主洪震天 / Beggar Sect helmsman Hung Chen-Tin
    荳寇干戈(上集) / Young and Furious (Part 1) (1966)    
    萬劫門(大結局) / The Infernal Gate (Part 2) (1966)    
    鐵血恩仇錄下集大結局 / An Avenger's Tale (Part 2) (1966)    
    碧落紅塵(大結局) / Jade in the Red Dust (Grand Finale) (1966)    
    百步迷蹤掌(下集) / The Infatuating Palm (Part 2) (1966)    
    萬劫門(上集) / The Infernal Gate (Part 1) (1966)    
    碧落紅塵(下集) / Jade in the Red Dust (Part 2) (1966)    
    中原奇俠 / Hero of Midland (1966)    
    碧落紅塵(上集) / Jade in the Red Dust (Part 1) (1966)    
    鐵血恩仇錄(上集) / An Avenger's Tale (Part 1) (1966)    
    冷月離魂 / Bitter Fear (1966) ... / Father
    劫火紅蓮(下集) / The Aftermath of a Fire (Part 2) (1966)    
    荳寇干戈(下集) / Young and Furious (Part 2) (1966)    
    劫火紅蓮(上集) / The Aftermath of a Fire (Part 1) (1966)    
    雙鳳旗(下集) / Banner of the Twin Phoenixes (Part 2) (1966)    
    雙鳳旗(上集) / Banner of the Twin Phoenixes (Part 1) (1966)    
    金鼎游龍 / The Golden Cup and the Wandering Dragon (1966)    
    火龍神珠 / Fire Dragon and the Mythical Pearl (1966) ... 藍伯通 / Lam Pak-Tung
    女黑俠木蘭花 / The Dark Heroine Mu Lanhua (1966) ... / Inspector Chan
    閃電煞星 / Lightning Killer (1967) ... 李天風 / Lee Tin-Fung
    一步一驚心 / Shaky Steps (1967) ... 陶力 / To Lik
    玉面女殺星 / The Lady Killer (1967) ... 鄔雲龍 / Wu Wan-Lung
    神探智破美人計 / Beauty's Trap (1967) ... 何伯恆 / Ho Pak-Hang
    碧眼魔女 / Green-Eyed Demon (1967) ... 朝元子 / Chiu Yuen Tsi
    玉女金剛 / The Brave Girl (1967) ... 志宏 / Chung Chi-Wang
    無敵女殺手 / Lady in Distress: The Invincible Fighter (1967)    
    黑殺星 / The Black Killer (1967) ... / Kam
    血染鐵魔掌 / Blood Stains the Iron Fist (1967) ... 金棠 / Kam Tong
    殺手粉紅鑽 / Rocambole (1967) ... 毒蜈蚣 / Poisonous Centipede
    飛賊金絲貓 / The Golden Cat (1967)    
    紅衣少女 / Girl in Red (1967) ... / Boss Sze-To Ming
    黃飛鴻虎爪會群英 / Wong Fei-Hung Against the Ruffians (1967) ... 孟虎 / Tiger Meng/Mang Fu
    紅粉金剛 / Lady in Pink (1967) ... 郭老三 / Kwok Lo-sam
    七劍十三俠 / The Seven Swords and the Thirteen Heroes (1967)    
    英雄本色 / The Story of a Discharged Prisoner (1967) ... 龍老闆 / Boss Lung / One-eye Jack
    黑野貓霸海揚威 / Lady Black Cat Strikes Again (1967) ... 范大海 / Fan Tai Hoi
    玉女飛龍 / Lady Flying Dragon (1967) ... / Wong Chuang
    旺財嫂 / Good Wife (1967) ... 陳三 / Chan Sam
    貓眼女郎 / Lady with a Cat's Eyes (1967) ... / Choi Yuen Wah
    玉女親情 / Tender Love (1967) ... 馬孟俊 / Ma, grandfather
    女賊金燕子 / The Golden Swallow (1967)    
    空中女殺手 / The Flying Killer (1967) ... 胡天雄 / Wu Tin-Hung
    天劍絕刀 / Paragon of Sword and Knife (1967)    
    如來神掌劈魔平九派 / Buddhist Spiritual Palm (1968)    
    如來神掌再顯神威 / Buddhist Spiritual Palm Returned (1968)    
    血影紅燈 / Red Lamp Shaded in Blood (1968)    
    獨眼俠 / The One-Eyed Swordsman (1968)    
    黃飛鴻威震五羊城 / Wong Fei-Hung: The Incredible Success in Canton (1968)    
    方世玉三打木人巷 / The Feats of Fong Sai-Yuk (1968)    
    黃飛鴻拳王爭霸 / Wong Fei-Hung: Duel for the Championship (1968) ... 戴天炮 / Tai Tin-Pao
    天狼寨 / The Dragon Fortress (1968) ... / Scarface Wolf
    飛俠小白龍 / The White Dragon (1968) ... / Lung
    武林三鳳(大結局) / Three Heroines (Part 2) (1968) ... 吳化岐 / Ng Fa-kei
    黃飛鴻醉打八金剛 / Wong Fei-Hung: The Eight Bandits (1968) ... 鐵掌金剛 / One of the Eight Bandits
    奪命雌雄劍 / The Twin Swords (1968) ... 三眼天魔卜通 / Three-eyed Monster Buk Tung
    李後主 / Tragedy of the Poet King (1968)    
    俠聖 / The Saint (1968)    
    黃飛鴻肉搏黑霸王 / Wong Fei-Hung: The Duel Against the Black Rascal (1968) ... 白富 / Pak Fu
    鐵二胡 / Iron Fiddle (1968) ... 劍聖陶展萍 / 'Saint of Sword' Tiu Chin-Ping
    殺手劍 / The Killer Sword (1968) ... 過江龍 / Kuo Kong-Lung
    神鞭俠 / The Magic Whip (1968)    
    太極門 / Duel at the Supreme Gate (1968) ... / Kuan Han Pin
    奪命刀 / That Frightening Sword (1968) ... / Ling Wai
    鐵血火龍令 / Decree of the Fire Dragon (1968) ... 藍伯通 / Lam Pak-Tung
    風塵客 / The Vagabond Swordsman (1968) ... 司徒剛 / Situ Gang
    小五義大破銅網陣 / The Magnificent Five (1968)    
    黃飛鴻醒獅獨霸梅花樁 / Wong Fei-Hung: The Invincible 'Lion Dancer' (1968)    
    藍鷹 / Blue Falcon (1968)    
    武林三鳳(上集) / Three Heroines (Part 1) (1968) ... 吳化岐 / Ng Fa-kei
    江湖第一劍 / The Supreme Sword (1969) ... / One of the Four Tigers
    銀刀血劍 / Silver Knife, Scarlet Blade (1969) ... / Teh Man Tau
    小武士 / The Little Warrior (1969) ... / Iron Faced Tiger
    獨眼俠獨闖江湖 / The One-eyed Loner (1969) ... 趙虎 / Chiu Pau ('Tiger')
    快劍 / Lightning Sword (1969) ... 金骷髏 / Golden Skeleton
    黃飛鴻巧奪鯊魚青 / Wong Fei-Hung: The Duel for the 'Sha-Yu-Qing' (1969)    
    黃飛鴻虎鶴鬥五狼 / Wong Fei-Hung's Combat with the Five Wolves (1969) ... 馬天龍-飛天狼 / Ma Tien-Lung/Fei Tien-Lung
    伏魔乾坤劍 / The Sword that Vanquished the Monster (1969)    
    鐵髮紅姑 / A Mysterious Weapon (1969)    
    五嶽風雲 / Heroic Tale of the Five Mountains (1969)    
    黃飛鴻神威伏三煞 / Wong Fei-Hung: The Conqueror of the 'Sam-hong Gang' (1969) ... 高山虎 / Gao Shan-Hu/Towering Mountain Tiger
    神偷姊妹花 / Two Sisters Who Steal (1969) ... 何彪 / Boss Ho Biu
    玉面煞星 / The Charming Killer (1969) ... 李天雄 / Lee Tien-Hung
    龍膽 / Where the Dragon Dares (1969)    
    黃衫客 / The One in Yellow (1969) ... 武不凡 / Mo But-Fan
    飛賊白菊花 / Flying Thief White Flower (1969)    
    獨臂神尼 / The One-armed Magic Nun (1969)    
    成家立室 / Let's Build a Family (1969)    
    黃飛鴻浴血硫磺谷 / Wong Fei-Hung in Sulphur Valley (1969)    
    峨嵋霸刀 / Sword of Emei (1969) ... / Chao/Chiu Ba-Tin
    玉女劍 / The Virgin Sword (1969) ... 客串胡震南 / Wu Chen-Nam
    銅皮鐵骨 / The Invincible (1969)    
    三招了 / Three Encounters (1969) ... 葛沖 / Kot Chung
    蔡李佛勇擒色魔 / Choi Lee Fat (1970) ... 余劍豪 / Yu Kim-Ho
    三殺手 / Three Desperados (1970)    
    小金剛 / The Lonely Rider (1970)    
    怒劍狂刀 / Wrath of the Sword (1970) ... 張奇峰 / Zhang Qi-Feng
    黃飛鴻勇破烈火陣 / Wong Fei-Hung: Bravely Crushing the Fire Formation (1970)    
    神探一號 / Secret Agent No. 1 (1970) ... / Nightclub boss
    日月神童 / The Mighty Couple (1971) ... 赤髮老魔 / Old Devil Chi Fa
    鬼流星 / The Comet Strikes (1971) ... / Sifu
    獅王之王 / Super Boxer (1971)    
    飛俠神刀 / Flyer & Magic Sword (1971) ... 賀天龍 / Ho Tien-Long
    吉祥賭坊 / The Casino (1972) ... / Hao Lishan
    天涯客 / A Man Beyond Horizon (1972) ... / Father Fang
    金旋風 / The Hurricane (1972) ... / Yuan Neng
    亡命徒 / The Fugitive (1972) ... / Master Xi
    獅吼 / The Roaring Lion (1972) ... 祁彪 / Chi Pao ''Tiger''
    龍爭虎鬥 / Enter the Dragon (1973) ... 韓先生 / Mr Han
    李小龍的生與死 / Bruce Lee, the Man and the Legend (1973) ... / Himself
    販賣人口 / The Virgin Mart (1974) ... 韓�L / Big Boss Qiang Han
    黃飛鴻義取丁財炮 / Rivals of Kung Fu (1974) ... 申九蚣 / Master Shen Chiu Kung
    狼狽為奸 / Wits to Wits (1974) ... / Casino boss
    猴拳寇四 / Monkey Fist (1974) ... / Chow Li Ming
    沖天炮 / The Inheritor of Kung Fu (1974) ... / Shifu Cheng
    二龍爭珠 / Tiger's Claw (1974) ... 郭宏 / Tiger
    下流社會 / Wrong Side of the Track (1976) ... 石老大 / Master Shi
    龍家將 / The Big Family (1976) ... 龍老 / Father Lung
    半斤八兩 / The Private Eyes (1976) ... 九叔 / Big Boss of robbers
    花心三少騷銀姐 / The Prodigal Son (1976)    
    隱俠恩仇錄 / The Mysterious Heroes (1977) ... / Lo Tien Fung
    行規 / The System (1979) ... / Tam
    龍形摩橋 / The Ring of Death (1980) ... / Dragon Style
    醉蛇小子 / Bruce - King of Kung Fu (1980) ... / Bruce's final opponent
    蛇貓鶴混形掌 / Lackey and the Lady Tiger (1980) ... / Fisherman
    師弟出馬 / The Young Master (1980) ... 鐵補頭 / Chief Sheriff Sang Kwan
    如來神掌 / Buddha's Palm (1982) ... 天殘腳 / Foot Monster
    花心大少 / Hong Kong Playboys (1983) ... 毛仁聖 / Mao Ying Ying's father
    等待黎明 / Hong Kong 1941 (1984) ... 夏中生 / Ha Chung-Sang
    奸人鬼 / A Friend from Inner Space (1984) ... / Jian Ren (ghost)
    癲鳳狂龍 / Three Stooges Go Undercover (1984)    
    尖東梟雄 / Hong Kong Godfather (1985) ... / Boss Han
    茅山學堂 / The First Vampire in China (1986) ... / Kent of Mt Mao
    我要金龜婿 / Sweet Surrender (1986) ... / Kin
    惡男 / Goodbye My Hero (1986) ... / Ling Ti's dead father
    富貴列車 / The Millionaires' Express (1986) ... / Master Sek
    魔翡翠 / Magic Crystal (1986) ... 石探長 / Sgt. Shih
    最佳拍檔千里救差婆 / Aces Go Places IV (1986) ... 奸人堅 / Interpol Ice hockey team coach
    奪命佳人 / Lady in Black (1987) ... / Grandfather Leung
    南北媽打 / Mother Vs Mother (1988) ... 堅叔 / Uncle Chien
    英雄本色III夕陽之歌 / A Better Tomorrow III (1989) ... / Michael's father
    虎膽女兒紅 / Widow Warriors (1990) ... 呂龍 / Liu Lung
    午夜天使 / Midnight Angel (1990)    
    奸人世家 / Hong Kong Adam's Family (1992) ... 奸神 / Kan San
    黃飛鴻笑傳 / Once Upon a Time a Hero in China (1992) ... / Old master
    香港淪陷 / 1941 Hong Kong on Fire (1994) ... / Himself
    十兄弟 / Ten Brothers (1995) ... / Uncle Three
    龍.一九七三以後... / Dragon Since 1973 (2004)    
  武術指導 / Martial Arts Director
    黃飛鴻虎爪會群英 / Wong Fei-Hung Against the Ruffians (1967)    
    黃飛鴻醉打八金剛 / Wong Fei-Hung: The Eight Bandits (1968)    
    黃飛鴻肉搏黑霸王 / Wong Fei-Hung: The Duel Against the Black Rascal (1968)    
    黃飛鴻拳王爭霸 / Wong Fei-Hung: Duel for the Championship (1968)    
    神鞭俠 / The Magic Whip (1968)    
    黃飛鴻威震五羊城 / Wong Fei-Hung: The Incredible Success in Canton (1968)    
    黃飛鴻巧奪鯊魚青 / Wong Fei-Hung: The Duel for the 'Sha-Yu-Qing' (1969)    
    黃飛鴻虎鶴鬥五狼 / Wong Fei-Hung's Combat with the Five Wolves (1969)    
    黃飛鴻浴血硫磺谷 / Wong Fei-Hung in Sulphur Valley (1969)    
    黃飛鴻勇破烈火陣 / Wong Fei-Hung: Bravely Crushing the Fire Formation (1970)    
    猴拳寇四 / Monkey Fist (1974)    
  Shek Kin is one of the most eminent actors with the bad guy and tough guy image. Indeed, his portrayals of villains were so successful that he was known as "Bad Man Kin" among Hong Kong's movie-goers. Shek started to practice martial arts as a youngster and was conversant in various types of Kung Fu.

In 1939, he started his career in the film industry as a make-up artist and made his debut as an actor in 1940 with his appearance in "Flower in a Sea of Blood".

In the fifties and sixties of the last century, he performed in several hundred film productions, mostly action movies. The most well known among those are the "Wong Fei Hung" series in which he took on roles of villains. His other memorable performances are in the "Fong Sai Yuk" series in which he played Master White Eyebrow and his role as Heavenly Foot in "Buddha's Palm".

Besides, Shek acted in many modern day dramas including Bruce Lee's "Enter the Dragon". Starting from 1976, he began to act on the small screen, but the roles he took on were mostly "good guy" ones.

In 1996, Shek was honoured with the Lifetime Achievement Award of the Hong Kong Film Critics' Association. In 2003, he was given the Professional Achievement Award at the Hong Kong Film Awards.

- Hong Kong Tourism Board

Passed out in Hong Kong on June 4th 2009 (Kidney Failure)

Born in Panyu District, a district in Guangzhou, Guangdong, China