[English] [中文] [中英文]
語言顯示 : 中英文
嚴重  ♂
Yen Chung
拼音: yán zhòng
Yuen Chun (2),  Yan Chong,  Yim Chung,  Yan Chung

影視作品 / Filmography (1962-1995)
  化妝 / Makeup
    孤女凌波 / Gu Nu Ling Po (1964)    
  副導演 / Assistant Director
    西貢無戰事 / Saigon Out of War (1967)    
    義氣傳義氣 / Trust and Brotherhood (1972)    
    猛虎闖關 / The Way of the Tiger (1973)    
  劇務 / Unit Manager
    二手貨 / Second Hand Goods (1986)    
  演員 / Actor (1962-1995)
    阿丁大鬧歌舞團 / Ah Ding Disturbs Dance Ensemble (1962)    
    歹命子 / Bad Name (1963)    
    黑森林 / Black Forest (1964) ... / Worker
    天字第一號續集 / Secret Agent No. 1 Chapter 2 (1964) ... 工作同志 / Colleague
    天字第一號 / The Best Secret Agent (1964) ... / Professor Chao Chi-Nien
    情人石 / Lover's Rock (1964) ... 謝從敏 / Xie Cong Min/Hsieh Tsung Min
    五月十三傷心夜 / Grieve Night of 13th May (1964) ... / Inspector
    孤女凌波 / Gu Nu Ling Po (1964)    
    天字第一號第3集金雞心 / Tiefnji Dexidhoi Dexsvafcip Kimkefsym (1965)    
    自君別後 / Since Your Departure (1965)    
    情海斷腸人 / Qing Hai Duan Chang Ren (1966)    
    天馬霜衣 / Tian Ma Shuang Yi (1966)    
    天涯俠侶 / Remote Hero Lu (1966)    
    西貢無戰事 / Saigon Out of War (1967) ... 吳文彬 / Wu Wen-Bin
    小情人逃亡 / The Young Lovers and The Escaped Prisoner (1968)    
    龍門三劍客 / The Three Musketeers Of Dragon Inn (1968)    
    桃園三結義 / The Trios of the Peach Garden (1968)    
    飛燕女俠 / Swallow Knighthood (1968) ... / Lan's advisor Kuan Tung
    紫丁香 / Lilac (1968)    
    怪俠歐陽德 / The Absurd Brave (1969)    
    莊子試妻 / Chuang Tzu Tests His Wife (1969)    
    金沙刀 / Golden Sand (1969)    
    我還是永遠愛著你 / I Love You Forever (1969)    
    感情的債 / Love Debt (1969)    
    武林六傑 / The Combat "Six" (1969) ... / Buddhist guard
    血滴子 / Bloody Mask (1969) ... 雲中雁 / Yun Chung-Yen
    奪命閻羅 / Thunderstorm Sword (1970)    
    珍珍的煩惱 / Young Maid Ching-Ching (1970)    
    王老虎搶親 / Tiger Wang Snatches the Bride (1970)    
    神狐鬼俠 / The Fairy Fox and Ghost (1970) ... 莊宏文 / Chuang Hung-Wen
    攝魂鏡 / The Devil's Mirror (1970)    
    十八羅漢 / Eighteen Disciples of Buddha (1970)    
    警告逃妻 / From Home with Love (1970)    
    / The Sword (1971)    
    朱洪武續集劉伯溫傳 / A Story of "Lou Bo-Wen" (1971)    
    頭條好漢 / A Real Man (1971)    
    龍形八劍 / The Eight Dragon Swords (1971) ... 花世蔭 / Master Hua Shi-Yin
    活閻王 / The Devilish Killer (1971)    
    六福茶樓 / The Brave Young Generation (1971)    
    朱洪武 / Tsu Hong Wu (1971)    
    甘羅拜相 / Kan Lu, the Boy-Minister (1971)    
    追命槍 / The Desperate Chase (1971) ... / Ma's comrade
    豪俠霍元甲 / The Great Boxer (1971) ... 霍三爺 / 3rd uncle Huo
    太極劍決鬥武士刀 / Duel with Samurai (1971) ... / Master Feng Mao
    洞房奇譚 / Adventure of First Night (1972)    
    銅頭鐵臂 / Bronze Head and Steel Arm (1972) ... / Killed gambler
    義氣傳義氣 / Trust and Brotherhood (1972)    
    五色仙女 / Five Beautiful Witches (1972)    
    猛虎闖關 / The Way of the Tiger (1973)    
    十面威風 / The Undaunted (1973)    
    山東大姐 / The Sister of the San-Tung Boxer (1973) ... / Roulette operator
    山東老娘 / Queen of Fist (1973)    
    中國鐵人 / Iron Man (1973)    
    唐山虎威殲殺手 / The Growling Tiger (1974)    
    廣東好漢 / Hero of Kwangtong (1974) ... / Uncle Yee
    黑手金剛 / Deadly Fists Kung Fu (1974)    
    神出鬼沒女煞星 / The Female Chivalry (1974) ... / Tournament judge
    蛇犬大英雄 / Dog King and Snake King (1974) ... / Villager
    少林功夫 / Shaolin Kung Fu (1974)    
    龍潭虎穴 / Dragon Den (1974)    
    渤海風雲 / The Patriots (1974)    
    虎膽追魂 / Desperate Crisis (1974)    
    龍門風雲 / Dragon Gate (1975)    
    天后 / The Legend of Mother Goddess (1975)    
    金色太陽 / Golden Sun (1975)    
    風塵女郎 / The Pleasure Girl (1975)    
    白蛇大鬧天宮 / Snake Woman's Marriage (1975)    
    雲深不知處 / The Life God (1975)    
    愛在心裏 / Love in My Heart (1975)    
    雍正大破十八銅人 / The Return of the 18 Bronzemen (1976) ... / Court official
    九龍城風波 / Secret of Kowloon Town (1976)    
    南俠展昭大破地獄門 / The Wrongly Killed Girl (1976)    
    旋風方世玉 / The Prodigal Boxer (II) (1976)    
    鐵馬騮 / The Iron Monkey (1977) ... / Abbot
    快刀亂麻斬 / Two Assassins of the Darkness (1977)    
    Endless Fight / Endless Fight (1977)    
    十大弟子 / Ten Brothers of Shaolin (1977) ... / Ming patriot
    鐵頭鐵指鐵布衫 / Shaolin Iron Finger (1977)    
    佈局 / Layout (1977) ... / Teahouse boss Ah Ken
    方世玉大破梅花樁 / The Secret of the Shaolin Poles (1977) ... / Coffin shop boss
    天地雙腿 / Dual Flying Kicks (1978) ... / Commissioner Fong
    鐵首無情追魂令 / Kung Fu of Dammoh Styles (1978)    
    鳳指神腿天佛掌 / Right Overcomes Might (1978)    
    決鬥老虎莊 / Tough Guy (1978)    
    大喇嘛 / The Unique Lama (1978)    
    戚繼光 / Great General (1978)    
    錯誤的第一步 / The First Error Step (1979)    
    三聲無奈 / San Sheng Wu Nai (1979)    
    清洪幫 / Clan of Righteousness (1979)    
    奇門怪拳 / Of Cooks and Kung Fu (1979) ... / Owner of the fish pond
    桃花戀 / Desperate Love Bitter End (1979)    
    鬼搭手 / Adventure for Imperial Treasure (1979)    
    軟骨真奶 / Yoga and the Kung-Fu Girl (1979) ... / Casino boss
    心酸酸 / Pathetic Heart (1980)    
    地獄來的女人 / A Woman from Hell (1981)    
    戒賭 / The Reformed Gambler (1981)    
    歹路不可行 / Don't Take the Wrong Way (1981)    
    風流彎彎刀 / The Swordsman (1981)    
    憤怒的玫瑰 / The Mad Rose (1982) ... / Police inspector
    女人不是弱者 / Women Are Tough (1983)    
    田莊阿哥 / The Village Brother (1983)    
    錯誤的腳步 / The Wrong Steps (1983)    
    女太保 / A Girl Rogue (1984)    
    失身的少女 / Lost Virginity (1984)    
    小和尚出馬 / The Little Hero of Shaolin Temple (1984) ... / Court messenger
    中獎 / Zhong Jiang (1985)    
    二男一女 / Two Men and a Woman (1986)    
    玩女大王 / Play Boy (1986)    
    忍者太保之武士行 / Ninja Operation: Knight and Warrior (1986) ... / [A GIRL ROGUE footage]
    變色巷 / Love in Lane (1987)    
    我的爸爸不是賊 / My Father Is Not a Thief (1987)    
    槍下留人 / Escape from Black Street (1987)    
    絕代妖姬 / Juedai Yaoji (1987)    
    龍發堂 / Long Fa Tang (1988)    
    新奇門遁甲 / New Miracle Fighters (1988)    
    幽靈王子 / Spiritual Princeling (1988)    
    邪之念 / Xie Zhi Nian (1988)    
    愛的鎖鍊 / Love Chain (1988)    
    為她情狂 / Wei Ta Qing Kuang (1988)    
    虎膽群英 / Killer Must Die (1988) ... 魯剛 [演員表: 嚴仲] / Lu Kang
    騙王之王 / The King of the Swindler (1988)    
    妖女洗身 / Bloodbath (1988)    
    賭國恩仇 / Gambler's War (1989) ... 組長 / Section Chief
    狐仙 / Hu Xian (1990) ... / Official
    賭王三虎將 / Gamblers Heavenly Made (1990)    
    義不容辭 / Mission Recall (1990)    
    聊齋金瓶梅 / Ghost Story of Kam Ping Mui (1991) ... / Street vendor
    貓變 / Devil Cat (1991) ... [演員表: 嚴仲] / Doctor
    皇金稻田 / The Noblest Way to Die (1992)    
    聊齋之慾焰三娘子 / The Spiritual Love (1992) ... / Bridegroom's father
    現代男女兵法 / A Modern Love Story (1993) ... 吳主任 [演員表: 嚴仲] / Mr. Wu
    媚眼殺機 / Sexy Slayer (1995)    
    新桃色交易 / Xin Tao Se Jiao Yi (1995)    
  策劃 / Planning
    糊塗大偵探 / Dummy Detective (1975)    
  編劇 / Writer
    情海斷腸人 / Qing Hai Duan Chang Ren (1966)    
    山東大姐 / The Sister of the San-Tung Boxer (1973)    
    / The Best and the Worst (1974)    
    蛇犬大英雄 / Dog King and Snake King (1974)    
    一門忠烈 / The Martyrs (1975)    
    金色太陽 / Golden Sun (1975)    
    糊塗大偵探 / Dummy Detective (1975)    
    大忠烈 / The Last Battle of Yang Chao (1976)    
    少林寺十八銅人 / The 18 Bronzemen (1976)    
    電子小飛俠 / Dian Zi Xiao Fei Xia (1978)    
    烏盆冤魂 / Wu Pen Yuan Hun (1978)    
    鳳指神腿天佛掌 / Right Overcomes Might (1978)    
    丐俠七巧功 / Beggars Have No Equal (1980)    
    少林寺傳奇 / Shaolin Legend (1981)    
    龍頭老大 / Dirty Trick (1982)    
    錯誤的腳步 / The Wrong Steps (1983)    
    田莊阿哥 / The Village Brother (1983)    
    槍下留人 / Escape from Black Street (1987)    
    幽靈王子 / Spiritual Princeling (1988)    
    聊齋驚艷 / Affrighted Romance (1991)    
    貓變 / Devil Cat (1991)    
    金蠶降 / Golden Venom (1991)    
    素女經之挑情寶鑑 / The Story of Lady Sue (1992)