[English] [中文] [中英文]
語言顯示 : 中英文
何禮男  ♂
Ho Lai-Nam
拼音: nán
Ho Lai-Lam

影視作品 / Filmography (1972-1993)
  副導演 / Assistant Director
    沙丘戰士 / Mountain Warriors (1991)    
  演員 / Actor (1972-1993)
    霹靂拳 / The Thunderbolt Fist (1972) ... / Gin Chi's follower
    鐵漢柔情 / The Young Dragons (1973) ... / Extra
    碼頭大決鬥 / Freedom Strikes a Blow (1973) ... / Extra
    廣東小老虎 / The Cub Tiger from Kwangtung (1973) ... / 3rd Brother's thug
    你係得既 / You Are Wonderful (1976)    
    唐人街小子 / Chinatown Kid (1977) ... / Thug
    面懵心精 / Winner Takes All! (1977)    
    血海螳螂仇 / Mantis Fists and Tiger Claws of Shaolin (1977) ... / 3rd master
    刁手怪招 / Master with Cracked Fingers (1979) ... / 3rd Brother's thug [CUB TIGER FROM KWANGTUNG footage]
    肥龍功夫精 / The Incredible Kung Fu Master (1979) ... / Student
    白馬黑七 / Bolo (1979) ... / Extra
    匯峰號黃金大風暴 / The Gold Connection (1979)    
    雜家小子 / Knockabout (1979) ... / Street thug
    癲馬靈猴 / Crazy Horse And Intelligent Monkey (1980) ... / Rascal
    踢竇 / Struggle (1980)    
    破戒大師 / Carry on Wise Guy (1980) ... / Extra
    爛命一條 / The Desperate Trio (1980)    
    金殺手 / The Furious Killer (1981)    
    野狼幫 / The Gang of Five (1982)    
    冷血紅番 / Green Killer (1982)    
    賊性 / Outlaw Genes (1982) ... / Casino thug
    雷霆出擊 / Mission Thunderbolt (1983)    
    特警90 / The Iron Butterfly (1989)    
    明日天涯 / Tomorrow (1990)    
    愛的世界 / The Story of My Son (1990) ... / Loan shark thug
    沙丘戰士 / Mountain Warriors (1991)    
    毒網 / Drugs Area (1991)    
    警花肉搏強姦黨 / Beyond the Copline (1993)    
  武術指導 / Martial Arts Director
    爛命一條 / The Desperate Trio (1980)