[English] [中文] [中英文]
語言顯示 : 中英文
謝賢  ♂
Patrick Tse Yin
拼音: xiè xián
Hsieh Hsien,  Patrick Hsieh,  Hsieh Hsieh,  Tsui Yin,  Tse Ka-Yuk

影視作品 / Filmography (1952-2021)
  製片 / Production Manager
    / The Window (1968)    
  監製 / Producer
    神偷情賊(下集) / Love Is What I Steal (Part 2) (1962)    
    神偷情賊(上集) / Love Is What I Steal (Part 1) (1962)    
    怪俠燕子飛 / The Strange Hero 'Flying Swallow' (1963)    
    情俠情仇 / Romantic Musketeer (1964)    
    丈夫的秘密 / Secrets of a Husband (1965)    
    / The Window (1968)    
    冬戀 / Be My Love (1968)    
    窄梯 / Madness of Love (1972)    
    明日天涯 / If Tomorrow Comes (1973)    
    盲女奇緣 / Black Alice (1975)    
    大富人家 / Born Rich (1976)    
    愛在夏威夷 / Love in Hawaii (1976)    
  導演 / Director
    窄梯 / Madness of Love (1972)    
    明日天涯 / If Tomorrow Comes (1973)    
    冬戀 / The Splendid Love in Winter (1974)    
    別了親人 / Farewell Dearest (1974)    
    一年幽夢 / One Year's Fantasy (1974)    
    變色的太陽 / Confused Love (1975)    
    愛在夏威夷 / Love in Hawaii (1976)    
    大富人家 / Born Rich (1976)    
  演員 / Actor (1952-2021)
    狂風之夜 / The Stormy Night (1952)    
    樓下閂水喉 / Taps Off, Downstairs! (1954) ... 鐵牛 / Iron Bull
    胭脂虎 / The Pretty Tigress (1955) ... / Ting Siu-Wan
    三妻奇案 / The Strange Case of Three Wives (1955) ... / Young Master Ku
    遺腹子(下集 大結局) / The Fatherless Son (Part 2) (1956) ... / Luk Tuk-Wai
    手足情深 / Brothers (1956) ... 唐振傑 / Tong Chun-Kit
    遺腹子(上集) / The Fatherless Son (Part 1) (1956) ... / Luk Tuk-Wai
    表錯情 / Thinking the Wrong Way (1956) ... 分飾陳大安, 陳小安 / Chan Tai-On/Chan Siu-On
    新婚夫婦 / The Newly-Wed (1956)    
    七重天 / The Seven Heavens (1956) ... / Ching Chi-Ko
    九九九命案 / Dial 999 for Murder (1956) ... 凌雲 / Ling Wan
    鬼夜哭 / The Nightly Cry of the Ghost (1957)    
    九九九海灘命案 / Murder on the Beach (1957) ... 丁子傑 / Ting Tsi-Kit
    椰林月 / The Whispering Palm (1957) ... / Ngor Ming
    血染相思谷 / Bloodshed in the Valley of Love (1957)    
    化身兄弟 / Brothers in Disguise (1957) ... / Tsui Chung-Nam/Chui Man-Tak/Ah Ngau
    唐山阿嫂 / She Married an Overseas Chinese (1957) ... 曾大成 / Tsang Tai-Sing
    神童捉賊記 / The Brilliant Boy Who Caught the Thief (1958) ... 程劍峰 / Ching Kim-Fung
    鮮花殘淚 / Tears of the Flower (1958) ... 杜文森 / To Man-Sum
    有情人 / Those in Love (1958)    
    橫刀奪愛 / The Love Thief (1958) ... 蕭尚青 / Siu Sheung-Ching
    她的一生 / The Story of Her Life (1958) ... 丁家樂, 阿健 / Kar-Lok
    陳超結婚 / Ah Chiu is Getting Married (1958) ... 阿超 / Ah Chiu
    情賊 / The Heart-Stealer (1958) ... / Keung Wai Sum
    風雨幽蘭 / Orchid in the Storm (1959)    
    情犯 / Mad About Love (1959) ... 凌志新 / Ling Tze-San
    通心樹 / Hollow Tree (1959)    
    大廈情殺案 / Crime of Passion in the Mansion (1959) ... 麥兆基 / Mak Siu-kei
    天倫情淚 / Parents' Love Tears (1959) ... 楊納維 / Yeung Lap-Wai
    情天血淚 / Tragedy of Love (1959) ... 焦�ㄓ�-劇團主任 / Chiu Kai-Man
    湖畔草 / Grass by the Lake (1959) ... 崔仲明 / Chui Chung-Ming
    歡喜冤家 / The Quarrelsome Couple (1959) ... / Kim Tseng Sing
    難兄難弟 / My Intimate Partner (1960) ... / Ng Jui Choi
    神鵰俠侶 / The Story of the Great Heroes (Part 1) (1960)    
    秋風殘葉 / Autumn Leaves (1960) ... / Shum Yip
    連理枝 / Deep in Love (1960) ... 羅德良 / Law Tak-Leung
    蜜月驚魂 / Honeymoon Panic (1960) ... 范家寶 / Fan Ka-Bo
    慈母驕兒 / Kind Mother and Naughty Son (1960) ... / Chow Chi-Ping
    五月雨中花(下集) / Blossom in Rainy May (Part 2) (1960) ... / Cheung Siu Man
    五月雨中花(上集) / Blossom in Rainy May (Part 1) (1960) ... / Cheung Siu Man
    雷雨之夜 / The Stormy Night (1960) ... 周明 / Chou Ming
    神鵰俠侶下集 / The Story of the Great Heroes (Part 2) (1960)    
    追妻記 / How to Get a Wife (1961) ... / Tse Sing
    良心 / Conscience (1961) ... 陳定璋 / Chan Ting-Cheung
    神鵰俠侶(四集) / The Story of the Great Heroes (Part 4) (1961)    
    神鵰俠侶(三集) / The Story of the Great Heroes (Part 3) (1961)    
    神童歷險記 / Adventures of Genius Boy (1961) ... 李大賢 / Lee Tai-Yin
    夜半幽靈 / Ghost That Was Not (1961) ... 杜克 / Do Hak
    情天未老 / Forever Beloved (1961) ... / Lung Kwok Cheung
    999廿四小時奇案 / Dial 999 for 24-hour Murder Case (1961) ... 李文中 / Lee Man-Chung
    山盟海誓 / Plighted Lovers (1961) ... / Dr. Lok Ga-Chiu
    神偷情賊(上集) / Love Is What I Steal (Part 1) (1962) ... / Lam Ying Wei/Sentimental Thief
    苦海明珠 / Pearl in a Bitter Sea (1962)    
    患難真情 / True Love (1962)    
    胭脂賊 / Romantic Thief (1962)    
    清明時節 / A Time for Mourning (1962) ... / Mui Chau Aan
    嫂夫人 / My Friend's Wife (1962) ... 霍樹楷 / Fok Shu Gai
    神偷情賊(下集) / Love Is What I Steal (Part 2) (1962) ... / Lam Ying Wei/Sentimental Thief
    糊塗福星 / Blundering But Lucky (1963) ... / Lau Bing-Cheong
    歷劫花 / The Long-suffering Girl (1963)    
    幸福新娘 / The Happy Bride (1963) ... / Lam Tin-Lok
    怪俠燕子飛 / The Strange Hero 'Flying Swallow' (1963) ... 王家禮 - 燕子飛 / Wong Kar-lai
    斷腸花 / The Heartbroken Flower (1963) ... / Chan Wai-Lit
    含淚的玫瑰 / Tear-Laden Rose (1963) ... 秋白 / Wong Chau-Pak
    情之所鍾 / My Only Love (1963)    
    春到人間 / When Spring Comes (1963) ... / Ng Lap Ban
    金石盟 / Love Forever (1963)    
    追蹤 / Track of a Chase (1964) ... / Ko Man Sum
    死亡角之夜 / A Deadly Night (1964) ... / Dr. Wu
    情俠情仇 / Romantic Musketeer (1964)    
    鴛夢重溫 / Our Dream Finally Comes True (1964) ... 楊國華 / Yeung Gwok-Wah
    郎心如鐵 / The Heartless Lover (1964)    
    花花公子 / The Beau (1964) ... 金家寶 / Ka Bo
    特務黑蜘蛛 / Agent Black Spider (1965)    
    紅色響尾蛇 / The Red Rattlesnake (1965)    
    相思湖畔 / Silent Love (1965) ... 何志光 / Ho Chi-Kwong
    春殘花末落 / Love Never Fades (1965) ... 杜雁聲 / To Ngan-Sing
    海棠紅 / The Lovely Red Begonia (1965) ... 楊崑崙 / Yeung Kwan-Lun
    丈夫的秘密 / Secrets of a Husband (1965) ... 飾律師范錦文, 生物學家王亞力 / Fan Kam-man / Wong Ah-lik
    情海茫茫 / Lost in Love (1965)    
    黑色的假期 / Black Holidays (1965) ... 吳康 / Ng Hong
    原來我負卿 / Remorse (1965) ... / Tai Ming/Chi Ming (2 roles)
    春怨 / Love Has Many Faces (1965) ... / Tse Yu
    黑玫瑰 / The Black Rose (1965) ... / Cheung Man-Fu
    愛情永遠在懷念中 / Sweetness of Love (1965) ... / Siu Man-Wah
    小姐的丈夫 / The Husband of a Lady (1965) ... 陸又民 / Luk Yau-Man
    彈劍江湖(上集) / One Duel Too Many (Part 1) (1966)    
    肉搏明月灣 / Duel in Moonlight Bay (1966) ... / Ko Tin-Kwan
    鐵膽 / A Go-Go Teenager (1966) ... / Lee Cheuk-Ho
    情賊黑牡丹 / Black Peony (1966) ... 陳子榮 / Chan Chi-Wing
    賊美人 / The Thief with Baby Face (1966) ... 司徒夫 / Si Tou-Fu
    神探智破艷屍案 / The Detective (1966)    
    遺產一百萬 / Legacy (1966) ... 程子森 / Ching Chi-Sum
    播音王子 / Prince of Broadcasters (1966) ... / To Wai-Wah
    黑玫瑰與黑玫瑰 / Spy with My Face (1966) ... / Cheung Man Fu and #1
    彈劍江湖(下集) / One Duel Too Many (Part 2) (1966) ... 分飾馬空群, 司馬彥 / Ma Hung-Kwan, Sima Yin
    鑽石大劫案 / Diamond Robbery (1967) ... 馬文偉 / Ma Man-Wai
    神探智破美人計 / Beauty's Trap (1967) ... 陳建秋 / Private eye Chan Kin-Chau
    英雄本色 / The Story of a Discharged Prisoner (1967) ... 李卓雄 / Lee Cheuk-hung
    紅花俠盜 / To Rose with Love (1967)    
    青春兒女 / The Young Ones (1967) ... / Dr. Wong Cheung-Ming
    金鷗 / The Professionals (1967) ... / Kam Chun-Yue
    藍色夜總會 / Man from Interpol (1967)    
    鐵膽恩仇 / Revenger (1967)    
    虎口鴛鴦 / They Fought Shoulder to Shoulder (1967)    
    浪子佳人 / Love with a Prodigal (1968) ... 浪子楊羅拔 / Robert
    青春戀歌 / Rhapsody (1968) ... / Ko Yuk-Hong
    窗外情 / A Patch of Love (1968) ... / Chun-Fai
    初歸新抱 / Right to Love (1968) ... 范國良 / Fan Guo-Liang
    情人不要忘記我 / Always in Your Heart (1968) ... 呂凡 / Lui Fan
    紫色風雨夜 / Purple Night (1968) ... / Lam Man-Sing
    冬戀 / Be My Love (1968)    
    / The Window (1968) ... 葉蝦仔 / Yeh Hsia-Er
    七彩難兄難弟 / Colourful Partners (1968)    
    玉面煞星 / The Charming Killer (1969) ... 李英龍 / Lee Ying-Lung
    成家立室 / Let's Build a Family (1969)    
    君子劍 / The Sainted Sword (1969) ... 白先英 / Pak Kwan-Ying
    浪子 / The Prodigal (1969)    
    雙鎗沙膽標 / Twin Guns (1969) ... / Biu
    狂龍 / Mad Dragon (1969) ... 江龍 / Kong Lung
    刀不留人 / The Blade Spares None (1971) ... 唐青云 / Tang Ching-Yun
    天龍八將 / The Invincible Eight (1971) ... / Hai Tao
    鬼流星 / The Comet Strikes (1971) ... / Tse Tin-Jun
    緹縈 / The Story of Ti-Ying (1971)    
    騙術奇譚 / Legends of Cheating (1971) ... / HK trick thief on street
    發達之人 / A Man of Wealth (1972) ... 陳志強 / Chen Zhi-Qiong
    淘氣公主 / The Naughty Beauty (1972)    
    偷歡陷阱 / Jenny and Her Step-Mother (1972)    
    窄梯 / Madness of Love (1972) ... / Poon Jih-Wing/Pan Chih-Ming
    祇羡鴛鴦不羡仙 / The Admired Girl (1972)    
    金旋風 / The Hurricane (1972) ... / Hurricane
    小雨 / Light Rain (1972)    
    愛慾奇譚 / Love Is a Four Letter Word (1973)    
    亡命浪子 / Death on the Docks (1973) ... / Grandmother
    雨中行 / Walking in the Rain (1973)    
    蕩寇三狼 / Death Comes in Three (1973)    
    心有點點愁 / Smoke in His Eye (1973) ... / Tsui-Nae's ex-lover
    股票股票 / Stock Fever (1973)    
    迷惑 / My Love, My Sin (1973)    
    明日天涯 / If Tomorrow Comes (1973) ... / Michael Wong
    大密探 / The Private Eye (1973)    
    別了親人 / Farewell Dearest (1974)    
    應召男郎 / The Gigolo (1974)    
    海艷 / Wild as the Waves (1974)    
    冬戀 / The Splendid Love in Winter (1974) ... / Patrick
    迷幻嬌娃 / The Suicide Murder (1974) ... 王達才 / Wang Dat Tsai
    大鄉里 / The Country Bumpkin (1974) ... / Taxi driver
    海鷗飛處 / Where the Seagull Flies (1974)    
    運財童子小祖宗 / Lucky, Lucky (1974)    
    銀色大隊 / The Silver Band (1974)    
    一簾幽夢 / Fantasies Behind the Pearly Curtain (1975) ... / Fei Yung Fan
    酒吧女郎 / Bar Girl (1975)    
    盲女奇緣 / Black Alice (1975)    
    變色的太陽 / Confused Love (1975)    
    豪門怨男 / To Money with Love (1975) ... / Yu Zhi Cheng
    十三不搭 / Sup Sap Bup Dup (1975)    
    大富人家 / Born Rich (1976)    
    流氓皇帝 / The Scoundrel (1977)    
    出冊 / The Discharged (1977) ... / Sai Dat
    千王鬥千霸 / Challenge of the Gamesters (1981) ... / Luo Sihai
    再生人 / Life After Life (1981) ... 施先生 / Si
    打雀英雄傳 / Mahjong Heroes (1981) ... 燕西樓 / Yin Xi Liu
    雜牌大進擊 / Raiders (1982)    
    賊王之王 / Winner Takes All (1982) ... 家洛 / Shi Ka Lok (Thief of Thieves)
    花心大少 / Hong Kong Playboys (1983) ... 華倫天 / Valentine
    富貴列車 / The Millionaires' Express (1986)    
    江湖正傳 / Fortune Hunters (1987) ... / Ah Hung
    江湖龍虎鬥 / Flaming Brothers (1987) ... / Kao
    不夜天 / Killer's Nocturne (1987) ... 羅天北 / Law Tin-Bei
    胭脂扣 / Rouge (1988) ... / Brothel patron
    勇闖天下 / Rebel from China (1990) ... / Mr. Or
    川島芳子 / Kawashima Yoshiko (1990) ... 宇野駿吉 / Commander Tanaka Takayoshi
    心猿意馬 / The Accident (1999) ... 雷安東 / Anthony
    少林足球 / Shaolin Soccer (2001) ... 強雄 / Hung
    黑白森林 / Colour of the Truth (2003) ... 王珅 / Wong Kwan
    太極2:英雄崛起 / Tai Chi Hero (2012) ... 陳所樂 / 10th Grandmaster Chen Suo Le
    我的情敵女婿 / A Beautiful Moment (2018) ... / Gambling king
    恭喜八婆 / Missbehavior (2019) ... / Mr Cheung
    殺出個黃昏 / Time (2021) ... / Chau
  編劇 / Writer
    一年幽夢 / One Year's Fantasy (1974)    
    冬戀 / The Splendid Love in Winter (1974)    
  出品人 / Presenter
    鐵膽恩仇 / Revenger (1967)    
    / The Window (1968)    
    冬戀 / Be My Love (1968)    
    浪子 / The Prodigal (1969)    
    窄梯 / Madness of Love (1972)    
    明日天涯 / If Tomorrow Comes (1973)    
    別了親人 / Farewell Dearest (1974)    
  Patrick Tse Yin enrolled in the Actors Training Course at Ling Kwong Films Company in 1953, and made his filming debut in "Taps Off, Downstairs".

His first leading role came with "The Strange Case of Three Wives". In 1955, Tse joined the Kwong Ngai Film Company and starred in 72 films in a span of 13 years. They include such classics as "The Pretty Tigress", "MyIntimate Partner", "The Rose in Tears", "Story of a Discharged Prisoner" and so on.

His handsome look and debonair style sometime typecast him as a rebel on screen, but they also earned him the reputation of the "Movie Prince" in real life.

Tse founded the Tse Brothers Films Company and produced "Winter Love", "Window", "Madness of Love" and many others. With "Madness of Love", Patrick embarked on his career as a director.

In 2004, Tse was honoured with the Lifetime Achievement Award of the Hong Kong Film Critics Association.

- Hong Kong Tourism Board