[English] [中文] [中英文]
語言顯示 : 中英文
林青霞  ♀
Brigitte Lin Ching-Hsia
拼音: lín qīng xiá
Venus Lin,  Lam Ching-Ha,  Lin Ching-Ha,  Lin Ching-Tsia,  Lam Cheng-Ha,  Brigette Lin,  Bridget Lin,  Lin Chin-Hsia,  Ling Ching-Tsia,  Lin Ching-Shya,  Lin Cheng-Hsia

影視作品 / Filmography (1973-2013)
  演員 / Actor (1973-2013)
    窗外 / Outside the Window (1973) ... 江雁容 / Chiang Yen Yung
    古鏡幽魂 / Ghost of the Mirror (1974) ... 素素 / Su Su/Ghost of the mirror
    雲河 / Moon River (1974) ... 梁新蘭 / Liang Xin-Lian
    純純的愛 / Love, Love, Love (1974) ... 林純純 / Lin Chun Chun
    長情萬縷 / Long Way from Home (1974) ... 林珊珊 / Lin Shan-Shan
    雲飄飄 / Gone with the Cloud (1974)    
    愛的小屋 / House of Love (1974) ... 洛小語 / Hsiao Yu
    女記者 / News Hen (1974) ... 沈馥慧 / Shen Fu-Hui
    青青草原上 / Green Green Meadow (1974) ... 方夢蘭 / Fang Meng Lan
    女朋友 / Girl Friend (1974) ... 夏小蟬 / Hsia Hsiao Chan
    在水一方 / The Unforgettable Character (1975) ... 杜小雙 / Tu Hsiao-Shuang
    片片情 / Love Story of Pian Pian (1975) ... 翩翩 / Pian Pian
    小姨懷春 / Little Sister-in-law (1975)    
    雲深不知處 / The Life God (1975) ... / [Cameo]
    煙雨 / Misty Drizzle (1975)    
    熱浪 / Hot Wave (1975) ... / Hsiao Shao-Yu
    長青樹 / Timberzack (1975)    
    愛情辰跑 / Run Lover Run (1975) ... 徐立屏 / Hsu Li Ping
    水雲 / He Loved Once Too Many (1975) ... 水雲 / Sui
    戀愛功夫 / Love by Post (1976) ... / Li-Ping
    鬼馬俏醫生 / My Funny Intern (1976) ... 方潔 / Dr Fang Jie Lia
    秋歌 / Autumn Love Song (1976) ... 董芷筠 / Zhi Jun
    海誓山盟 / Love Forever (1976)    
    楓葉情 / Forever My Love (1976)    
    不一樣的愛 / Different Love (1976) ... 宋小瑜 / Sung Hsiao-Yu
    我是一沙鷗 / Come Fly with Me (1976) ... 柳燕梅 / Liu Yen-Mei
    海天一色 / The Beauty with Two Faces (1976)    
    明天20歲 / Tomorrow I'm 20 (1976)    
    八百壯士 / Eight Hundred Heroes (1976) ... 楊惠敏 / Yang Hui Min
    昨夜,今夜,明夜 / Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow (1976)    
    追球追求 / The Chasing Game (1976)    
    幽蘭在雨中 / Orchid in the Rain (1977) ... / Chiu Meng
    溫馨在我心 / My Sweet Love (1977) ... / Li Huifen
    金玉良緣紅樓夢 / The Dream of the Red Chamber (1977) ... 賈寶玉 / Jia Bao Yu
    異鄉夢 / There's No Place Like Home (1977)    
    奔向彩虹 / The Love Affair of Rainbow (1977) ... 張曉虹 / Rainbow
    我是一片雲 / Cloud of Romance (1977) ... 段宛露 / Tuan Wanlu
    處處聞啼鳥 / Everywhere Birds Are Singing (1978)    
    晨霧 / Morning Fog (1978) ... 杜小曼 / Tu Hsiao Meng
    真白蛇傳 / Love of the White Snake (1978) ... / White Snake
    沙灘上的月亮 / Love's Many Faces (1978)    
    一顆紅豆 / A Love Seed (1978)    
    焦情莣地有情天 / A Journey of Love (1978)    
    月朦朧鳥朦朧 / The Misty Moon (1978) ... 劉靈珊 / Liu Ling-shan
    綠色山莊 / The Story of Green House (1978)    
    雁兒在林梢 / The Wild Goose on the Wing (1979)    
    成功嶺上 / Off to Success (1979)    
    彩霞滿天 / Love Under a Rosy Sky (1979) ... 殷採芹 / Yin Tsai Chin
    難忘的一天 / An Unforgettable Day (1979)    
    一爿情深 / The Choice of Love (1979) ... 文嘉宜 / Ka-Li
    情奔 / By Love Obsessed (1979)    
    戀愛反斗星 / Poor Chasers (1980) ... / Shen Rong
    金盞花 / The Marigolds (1980) ... 韓佩吟 / Hua Pei Yu
    碧血黃花 / Magnificent 72 (1980) ... / Lin's wife
    愛殺 / Love Massacre (1981) ... Ivy / Ivy
    中國女兵 / The Women Soldiers (1981)    
    燃燒吧,火鳥 / Burn Phoenix Burn (1981) ... 衛嫣然 / Wei Yen-jan
    紅粉遊俠 / Pink Force Commando (1982) ... 胡芳苓 [玉面狐狼] / "Jackal" Whu Farn-Lin
    慧眼識英雄 / The Switch (1982) ... 沈韻白 / Shen Yin-Pai
    槍口下的小百合 / Lily Under the Muzzle (1982) ... / Xiao Han
    午夜蘭華 / Night Orchid (1982)    
    脂粉奇兵 / The Deadly Angels (1982) ... / Fung
    紅粉兵團 / Seven Black Heroines (1982) ... / Black Fox
    1938大驚奇 / Big Surprise of 1938 (1983)    
    新蜀山劍俠 / Zu: The Warriors from the Magic Mountain (1983) ... 瑤池仙堡 堡主 / Ice Queen
    四傻害羞 / The Four Sheepish Dummies (1983)    
    迷你特攻隊 / Fantasy Mission Force (1983) ... / Lily
    火龍任務A級計劃 / Fire Dragon (1983) ... / [FANTASY MISSION FORCE footage]
    我愛夜來香 / All the Wrong Spies (1983) ... 天字第一號 / Bridget
    黑白珠 / Black and White (1983)    
    七隻狐狸 / Seven Foxes (1984)    
    情人,看刀 / Be Careful, Sweetheart (1984)    
    君子好逑 / The Other Side of Gentleman (1984) ... / Jo Jo
    警察故事 / Police Story (1985) ... 莎蓮娜方 / Salina Fong
    夢中人 / Dream Lovers (1986) ... / Cheung Yuet-Heung
    刀馬旦 / Peking Opera Blues (1986) ... 曹雲 / Cho Wan
    英雄正傳 / True Colours (1986) ... / May
    烽火佳人 / Flag of Honor (1987)    
    奪命佳人 / Lady in Black (1987) ... 梁美鳳 / Mrs. Chan May-Fung
    橫財三千萬 / The Thirty Million Dollar Rush (1987) ... 修女 / Sister Maria
    今夜星光燦爛 / Starry Is the Night (1988) ... 杜彩薇 / To Cai-Mei
    驚魂記 / Deception (1989) ... 林楚翹Joan / Jane Lin
    滾滾紅塵 / Red Dust (1990) ... 沈韶華 / Shen Shao Hua
    鹿鼎記 / Royal Tramp (1992) ... / Divine Lady of Dragon Sect
    暗戀桃花源 / The Peach Blossom Land (1992) ... 雲之凡 / Yun Zhifan
    新龍門客棧 / Dragon Inn (1992) ... 邱莫愁 / Qiu Mo-Yan
    絕代雙驕 / Handsome Siblings (1992) ... 花無缺 / More
    鹿鼎記II神龍教 / Royal Tramp II (1992) ... 龍兒 (神龍教主) / Divine Lady of Dragon Sect
    笑傲江湖II東方不敗 / Swordsman 2 (1992) ... 東方不敗 / Dong Fang Bu Bai
    追男仔 / Boys Are Easy (1993) ... 程小東 / Ching Siu Tung
    射鵰英雄傳之東成西就 / The Eagle Shooting Heroes (1993) ... 三公主 / Third Princess
    白髮魔女傳 / The Bride with White Hair (1993) ... 狼女/練霓裳 / Lien Ni Chang
    白髮魔女2 / The Bride with White Hair 2 (1993) ... 練霓裳/白髮魔女 / Lien Ni Chang
    黑豹天下 / Warriors: The Black Panther (1993) ... 青青 / Ching Ching
    東方不敗─風雲再起 / The East Is Red (1993) ... 東方不敗 / Invincible Asia
    新天龍八部之天山童姥 / The Dragon Chronicles - The Maidens (1994) ... 李秋水/李凔海 / Li Chau Shui/Li Chong Hoi
    東邪西毒 / Ashes of Time (1994) ... 慕容燕/慕容嫣 / Murong Yang / Murong Yin
    火雲傳奇 / Fire Dragon (1994) ... 「火雲邪神」映霞 / Ha / Fire Dragon
    六指琴魔 / Deadful Melody (1994) ... 黃雪梅 / Adult Snow
    刀劍笑 / The Three Swordsmen (1994) ... 名劍 / Ming Kim
    重慶森林 / Chungking Express (1994) ... 戴黃金假髮的女人 / Lady in blond wig
    美少年之戀 / Bishonen (1998) ... / Narrator
    遊園驚夢 / Peony Pavilion (2001) ... / Narrator
    龍吻 / Dragon's Kisses (2013)    
  Born in the New Taipei district, but grew up in Chiayi, Taiwan. Graduated from Taipei Girls' School in 1972, debuted in movies the next year with "Outside the Window", but it wasn't until 1976 when she became popular after winning the Best Actress Prize in the 22nd Asian Film Festival. Her popularity grew in the 80s when she went to Hong Kong and signed a contract with Golden Harvest. Shortly after, she would specialize on period wu xia movies. In 1990 she won a second award as Best Actress, the Golden Horse, for "Red Dust". After she married, she retired from the film industry in 1994.