[English] [中文] [中英文]
語言顯示 : 中英文
黃光亮  ♂
Tommy Wong Kwong-Leung
拼音: huáng guāng liàng
Wang Kong-Leun,  Tommy Wong

影視作品 / Filmography (1983-2023)
  監製 / Producer
    疊影追兇 / Innocent Killer (1994)    
    三個受傷的警察 / The Log (1996)    
    順其自然 / Let It Be (2000)    
    社團之撚位 / Take Top (2000)    
  故事 / Story
    何日金再來 / Rich Man (1992)    
  演員 / Actor (1983-2023)
    摩登衙門 / Oh, My Cops! (1983) ... / Policeman arresting Nut
    省港旗兵 / Long Arm of the Law (1984) ... CID / CID officer [cameo]
    監獄風雲 / Prison on Fire (1987) ... 傻標 / Bill
    鐵血騎警 / Road Warriors (1987) ... / Kuang
    龍虎風雲 / City on Fire (1987) ... 劉督察下屬 / Detective Kwong
    我要逃亡 / Set Me Free! (1988)    
    江湖接班人 / Hero of Tomorrow (1988) ... 吳江 / Ng Kong [cameo]
    學校風雲 / School on Fire (1988) ... 寸牛 / Chuen Ngor / Bull
    好女十八嫁 / 18 Times (1988) ... 出獄男子 / Cuckold husband chasing David
    霹靂先鋒 / Final Justice (1988) ... 狂牛 / Bull
    女子監獄 / Woman Prison (1988) ... 阿琴亡夫 / Jean's robber husband
    小小小警察 / Little Cop (1989) ... / Jian's robber father
    轟天龍虎會 / China White (1989) ... 啞仔 / Mute
    偷情先生 / City Squeeze (1989) ... / Shao Hsiu Wang
    我未成年 / The Wild Ones (1989) ... 污糟弟 / Messy
    伴我闖天涯 / Wild Search (1989) ... / Nam
    再起風雲 / The Last Duel (1989)    
    喋血雙雄 / The Killer (1989) ... 黃雄 / Teddy Wong Hung
    天若有情 / A Moment of Romance (1990) ... 喇叭 / Trumpet
    不文小丈夫 / The Wildgoose Chase (1990) ... / Koo Hon-Dot
    賭王 / King of Gambler (1990)    
    聖戰風雲 / Undeclared War (1990) ... / Lt Tang
    開心鬼救開心鬼 / Happy Ghost IV (1990) ... 喪標 / Crazy Bill
    勇闖天下 / Rebel from China (1990) ... / Kuen
    安樂戰場 / Fatal Vacation (1990) ... 大眼 / Big Eyes
    倩女幽魂III 道道道 / A Chinese Ghost Story III (1991) ... / Man with Yin in teahouse
    黐線枕邊人 / Slickers Vs Killers (1991) ... / Murder victim
    跛豪 / To Be Number One (1991) ... 大聲雄探長 / Hsiong/Loud Hung
    豪門夜宴 / The Banquet (1991) ... / Robber
    衝擊天子門生 / Hong Kong Godfather (1991) ... 古國武 / Michael Koo Wu
    監獄風雲II逃犯 / Prison on Fire II (1991) ... 傻標 / Bill
    開心鬼5上錯身 / Happy Ghost V (1991) ... 銀行搶劫犯 / Bank robber
    猛鬼入侵黑社會 / My Flying Wife (1991) ... 阿發 / Fatt
    老豆唔怕多 / Daddy, Father, Papa (1991) ... / Brother Ho's thug
    四大家族之龍虎兄弟 / Legend of the Brothers (1991) ... 十哥 / Sam
    不文小丈夫之銀座嬉春 / Stooges in Tokyo (1991) ... / Koo Hon-Dog
    一觸即發 / Touch and Go (1991) ... 林文虎 / God of Hell / Lam Man Fu
    偷神家族 / The Big Deal (1992) ... / Lethal Weapon
    草莽英雌 / Once a Black Sheep (1992) ... 成遷仁/跛毛 / Shing Tsin Yan / Cripple Mo
    家有囍事 / All's Well End's Well (1992) ... 光哥 / Kwong
    夏日情人 / Summer Lover (1992) ... / Pervert in supermarket
    花貨 / The Unleaded Love (1992) ... / Brother B
    何日金再來 / Rich Man (1992) ... / Wong/Kwong
    不文騷 / Stooges in Hong Kong (1992) ... / Kwong
    精靈變 / Banana Spirit (1992) ... / Rabid Hsiung
    帶你嫖韓日 / James Wong in Japan & Korea (1992) ... / Koo Fung
    富貴黃金屋 / It's a Mad Mad Mad World Too! (1992) ... 李無良私人助理 / Mr Lee's henchman
    金三角群英會 / Mission of Justice (1992) ... / Chiang Tai Su / Somi
    至尊三十六計之偷天換日 / Perfect Exchange (1993) ... 囚犯大眼光 / Big Eye Kwong
    大𥄫嘢 / All Over the World (1993) ... 光仔 / Himself [cameo]
    砵蘭街大少 / The Prince of Portland Street (1993) ... / Brother Chi
    戇男三十九 / Bachelor Men (1993)    
    情人知己 / Two of a Kind (1993) ... / Brother Wai
    人肉天婦羅 / Malevolent Mate (1993) ... / Law Po Shing
    人皮燈籠 / Ghost Lantern (1993) ... 光Sir / Officer Pao Ching Kwong
    李麗珍蜜桃成熟時 / Crazy Love (1993) ... / Man in glasshouse
    李洛夫奇案 / The Incorruptible (1993) ... 李炳 / Sgt Lee Ping
    走上不歸路 / No Regret, No Return (1993) ... / Cheung Ho
    審死官翻案 / Justice My Fool (1993) ... / Lawyer Song Shi Jie
    城市女獵人 / Madam City Hunter (1993) ... / Officer Kwong
    日落卡門 / The Street Car Named Desire (1993) ... 炭哥 / Carbon
    再世追魂 / Vendetta (1993) ... / Hung Long
    水滸笑傳 / Laughter of "Water Margins" (1993) ... 林衝 / Lam Chung
    冇警時份 / A Day Without Policeman (1993) ... / Nam
    暴劫柔情 / If You Were Here (1994) ... / Chiu
    疊影追兇 / Innocent Killer (1994)    
    怪俠一枝梅 / Now You See Me Now You Don't (1994) ... 武樑琛 / Wu Liang-Xin
    滿清十大酷刑 / A Chinese Torture Chamber Story (1994) ... 葛小大/焦大 / Got Siu-Tai / Chiu Daai
    誰可相依 / Who's My Father ? (1994)    
    同床2夢 / The Lady Punisher (1994) ... / Mason
    馬路英雄II非法賽車 / Highway Man (1995) ... 老二 / Lo Yi
    廟街故事 / Mean Street Story (1995) ... / Kwong
    冇面俾 / Don't Give a Damn (1995) ... / CID
    賊王 / Twist (1995) ... / Mao Xi
    鐵男本色 / The Warning Time (2000) ... 大鼻 / Big Nose
    社團之撚位 / Take Top (2000) ... 華 / Wah
    順其自然 / Let It Be (2000) ... / Lau Ching
    監獄風雲之夜囚 / Prison on Fire - Plaintive Destiny (2001)    
    血濺忠義門 / The Internal Duel (2001)    
    夜車之血青年 / Hot Rod (2001) ... / Scarred Face Ho
    監獄風雲之終身犯 / Prison on Fire - Life Sentence (2001)    
    古惑線人 / Crazy Guy (2002)    
    清理門戶 / Killing Betrayer (2003) ... / Snake
    爛命一條闖江湖之賭命 / Gamble For Life (2003)    
    阿龍的故事 / The Story of Long (2003) ... / Yan's colleague
    天地有情 / Kill or Be Killed (2003)    
    重案黐孖Gun / Heat Team (2004) ... / Chef in opening scene
    喜馬拉亞星 / Himalaya Singh (2005) ... 三大惡人之一 / Tally's worker
    結果 / Before Born (2006)    
    / A Memory (2013) ... / Father
    2013 我愛HK恭囍發財 / I Love Hong Kong 2013 (2013) ... 朱沙展 / Sergeant Chu
    楊光的快樂生活 / Happy Life of Yang Guang (2013)    
    黑色喜劇 / Black Comedy (2014) ... / Driller
    男極探射燈 / Nowhere to Hide! (2015)    
    高登闊少踎監日記 / Imprisoned: Survival Guide for Rich and Prodigal (2015) ... / Szeto Kwong
    媽咪俠 / Wonder Mama (2015)    
    樹大招風 / Trivisa (2016) ... 銷贓佬 / Fence guy
    我要發達 / Lucky Fat Man (2017) ... / Yan
    反詐英豪 / Anti-fraud Hero (2019)    
    劫數難逃 / Imprisoned II: There is No Escape From Fate (2023) ... / Sze To Biu
  策劃 / Planning
    何日金再來 / Rich Man (1992)    
  出品人 / Presenter
    三個受傷的警察 / The Log (1996)