[English] [中文] [中英文]
語言顯示 : 中英文
林杰龍  ♂
Mike Lambert
拼音: lín jié lóng
Michael Ian Lambert,  Lam Git Lung,  Michael Lambert,  Mike Ian Lambert

影視作品 / Filmography (1995-2008)
  動作指導 / Action Choreographer
    神鬼傳奇3 / The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor (2008)    
  演員 / Actor (1995-2008)
    霹靂火 / Thunderbolt (1995) ... / Kong's gunman
    衝鋒隊─怒火街頭 / Big Bullet (1996) ... 英軍沙展 / Fake British Army Sergeant
    飛虎雄心2傲氣比天高 / Best of the Best (1996) ... / China Gun
    黑俠 / Black Mask (1996) ... / 701 Squad member
    天地雄心 / Armageddon (1997) ... / Billy Conners
    愈墮落愈英雄 / Cheap Killers (1998) ... 金毛 / Blond
    愛在娛樂圈的日子 / The Love and Sex of the Eastern Hollywood (1998) ... / Maggie's new boyfriend
    我是誰 / Who Am I? (1998) ... / Commando Peter
    碧血藍天 / The Blacksheep Affair (1998) ... / Prisoner attacking Keizo
    強姦3OL誘惑 / Raped by an Angel 3: Sexual Fantasy of the Chief Executive (1998) ... / Police officer
    KO 雷霆一擊 / Knock Off (1998) ... / Russian Mafia
    渾身是膽 / Enter the Eagles (1998) ... / Killer
    三條人 / Away with Words (1999) ... / Club doorman
  A five-time British tae kwon do champion, Mike currently works as a stuntman and action coordinator, having the chance to work with Hong Kong greats Jackie Chan and Jet Li. He even took on Bruce Lee's daughter Shannon Lee on-screen.