[English] [中文] [中英文]
語言顯示 : 中英文
戴徹  ♂
Robert Tai Chi-Hsien
拼音: dài chè
Tai Chi-Tsien,  Tai Chi-Hsien,  Tai Che,  Tai Chi,  Tai Yee-Tin,  Tai Chit,  Tai Kei-Yin,  Tai Yee-Yin,  Tai Chi-Yen,  Dai Sai-Yan,  Tai Kung-Hsien,  Tai Chen,  Robert Tyson,  Tai Cher,  Ti Chi,  Robert Dai,  Tai Bou-San

影視作品 / Filmography (1970-2002)
  製作統籌 / Production Coordinator
    精武風雲 / Fist of Legend 2: Iron Bodyguards (1996)    
  武師 / Stunts
    中原鏢局 / The Ming Patriots (1976)    
  動作指導 / Action Choreographer
    醉俠行 / Legend of the Drunken Tiger (1991)    
  製片 / Production Manager
    盲女與狗 / The Blind Girl And Dog (1981)    
  原創故事 / Original Story
    三位一體雲東 / Trinity Goes East (2002)    
  導演 / Director
    魔鬼剋星 / Devil Killer (1981)    
    少林與忍者 / Shaolin Vs. Ninja (1983)    
    少林童子功 / Shaolin Chastity Kung Fu (1983)    
    武儈 / Ninja Vs Shaolin Guards (1984)    
    洪門鬥惡者 / Secret of Ninja (1985)    
    忍武者 / Ninja The Final Duel II (1986)    
    忍者在中國 / Ninja The Final Duel (1986)    
    戰龍 / Death Cage (1989)    
    醉俠行 / Legend of the Drunken Tiger (1991)    
    精武風雲 / Fist of Legend 2: Iron Bodyguards (1996)    
    Shaolin Dolemite / Shaolin Dolemite (1999)    
    三位一體雲東 / Trinity Goes East (2002)    
  動作導演 / Action Director
    精武風雲 / Fist of Legend 2: Iron Bodyguards (1996)    
    三位一體雲東 / Trinity Goes East (2002)    
  監製 / Producer
    Shaolin Dolemite / Shaolin Dolemite (1999)    
  演員 / Actor (1970-2002)
    奪命閻羅 / Thunderstorm Sword (1970) ... / Extra
    天龍八將 / The Invincible Eight (1971) ... / Extra
    十萬金山 / The Ghost Hill (1971) ... / Extra
    奪命金劍 / The Fast Sword (1971) ... / Man at palace
    復仇者 / Avengers (1973) ... / Casino guard
    一代猛龍 / Super Dragon (1974) ... / Film extra
    神出鬼沒女煞星 / The Female Chivalry (1974) ... / Robber
    火拱楓林渡 / Duel at Forest (1974) ... / Thug
    女煞星大鬧烏龍院 / Crazy Acrobat (1974) ... / Servant
    大地龍種 / Fury in Storm (1974) ... / Extra
    小子有種 / The Guy!! The Guy!! (1974) ... / Thug
    鬼馬兩金剛 / Crazy Nuts of Kung Fu (1974) ... / Japanese/Thug
    馬哥波羅 / Marco Polo (1975) ... / Mongolian soldier
    尚方寶劍 / Judicial Sword (1975)    
    十八羅漢陣 / 18 Shaolin Disciples (1975) ... / Soldier
    重建精武門 / The Supergirl of Kung Fu (1975) ... / Thug
    五嬌娃 / Five Pretty Young Ladies (1975) ... / Thug
    妙手千金 / Heroine (1975) ... / Thug
    人比人笑死人 / The Crazy Guy (1975) ... / Fighter
    少林祖師 / Shaolin Monk (1976) ... / Taoist's thug (brown)
    死囚 / The Condemned (1976) ... / One of Sheng's men
    新精武門 / New Fist of Fury (1976) ... / Kui's thug
    大太監 / The Traitorous (1976) ... / Extra
    方世玉與胡惠乾 / The Shaolin Avengers (1976) ... / Feng's fighter
    少林門 / The Hand of Death (1976) ... / Shaolin student
    中原鏢局 / The Ming Patriots (1976) ... / Extra
    八道樓子 / 7-Man Army (1976) ... / Japanese soldier/Mongolian mercenary
    少林寺 / Shaolin Temple (1976) ... / Qing fighter w. 2 swords in black
    獨臂拳王大破血滴子 / One-armed Boxer vs. the Flying Guillotine (1976) ... / Wu's student
    蔡李佛小子 / The New Shaolin Boxers (1976) ... / Gang member
    唐人街小子 / Chinatown Kid (1977) ... / Green Dragon thug
    鄉野奇談 / Lantern Festival Adventure (1977)    
    江湖漢子 / Magnificent Wanderers (1977) ... / Mongol guard
    射鵰英雄傳 / The Brave Archer (1977) ... / Extra
    刀劍霸王拳 / Killer from Above (1977) ... / Chain-blade fighter
    精武門續集 / Fist Of Fury Part II (1977) ... / Japanese fighter
    海軍突擊隊 / The Naval Commandos (1977) ... / Japanese Navy soldier
    飛燕雙嬌 / The Lady Constables (1978)    
    鬼馬大俠 / The Smart Cavalier (1978) ... / 1st contestant
    射鵰英雄傳續集 / The Brave Archer Part II (1978) ... 全真七子王處一 / Tsuen Jen Taoist Lam Chue Yuan
    少林英雄 / The Heroes (1980) ... / Shaolin student
    癲螳螂 / The Thundering Mantis (1980) ... / Jade Horse Gang thug
    師兄師弟齊出馬 / Incredible Kung Fu Mission (1980) ... / Lu Ping
    第三類打鬥 / Heaven and Hell (1980) ... / Heaven soldier/Violent man in Hell
    魔鬼剋星 / Devil Killer (1981)    
    新南拳北腿 / The New South Hand Blows and North Kick Blows (1981) ... / Chu Pai Tien
    斬手指 / Deadly Duo (1981)    
    洪門三柱香 / The Alliance of Hung Sect (1982)    
    少林童子功 / Shaolin Chastity Kung Fu (1983) ... / Extra
    少林與忍者 / Shaolin Vs. Ninja (1983)    
    女忍者 / The Challenge of the Lady Ninja (1983)    
    武儈 / Ninja Vs Shaolin Guards (1984) ... / 'Snowman' Assassin
    洪門鬥惡者 / Secret of Ninja (1985) ... / Henchman
    邪撞邪 / Evil Hits Evil (1985) ... / Taoist exorcist
    忍武者 / Ninja The Final Duel II (1986)    
    忍者在中國 / Ninja The Final Duel (1986) ... / Monk
    忍者兵團 / Ninja, the Battalion (1987) ... / [THE ALLIANCE... footage]
    精武風雲 / Fist of Legend 2: Iron Bodyguards (1996) ... / Brother Tai
    Shaolin Dolemite / Shaolin Dolemite (1999) ... / Abbot White [Ninja - The Final Duel 2 footage]
    縱橫鬼門關 / Stunt Couple (1999)    
    三位一體雲東 / Trinity Goes East (2002) ... / Abbot
  外聯製片 / Location Manager
    精武風雲 / Fist of Legend 2: Iron Bodyguards (1996)    
  武術指導 / Martial Arts Director
    唐人街小子 / Chinatown Kid (1977)    
    射鵰英雄傳 / The Brave Archer (1977)    
    海軍突擊隊 / The Naval Commandos (1977)    
    射鵰英雄傳續集 / The Brave Archer Part II (1978)    
    殘缺 / Crippled Avengers (1978)    
    南少林與北少林 / Invincible Shaolin (1978)    
    五毒 / The Five Venoms (1978)    
    街市英雄 / Shaolin Rescuers (1979)    
    廣東十虎與後五虎 / Ten Tigers of Kwangtung (1979)    
    生死門 / Life Gamble (1979)    
    清洪幫 / Clan of Righteousness (1979)    
    雜技亡命隊 / The Daredevils (1979)    
    金臂童 / The Kid with the Golden Arm (1979)    
    少林英雄 / The Heroes (1980)    
    癲螳螂 / The Thundering Mantis (1980)    
    師兄師弟齊出馬 / Incredible Kung Fu Mission (1980)    
    第三類打鬥 / Heaven and Hell (1980)    
    魔鬼剋星 / Devil Killer (1981)    
    新南拳北腿 / The New South Hand Blows and North Kick Blows (1981)    
    人蛇大戰 / Calamity of Snakes (1983)    
    虎鷹 / A Fist Full of Talons (1983)    
    武儈 / Ninja Vs Shaolin Guards (1984)    
    奇門5福將 / Five Fighters from Shaolin (1984)    
    洪門鬥惡者 / Secret of Ninja (1985)    
    忍武者 / Ninja The Final Duel II (1986)    
    忍者在中國 / Ninja The Final Duel (1986)    
    戰龍 / Death Cage (1989)    
  編劇 / Writer
    忍武者 / Ninja The Final Duel II (1986)    
    忍者在中國 / Ninja The Final Duel (1986)    
    戰龍 / Death Cage (1989)    
    醉俠行 / Legend of the Drunken Tiger (1991)    
    Shaolin Dolemite / Shaolin Dolemite (1999)